

Fossa is the Latin word for "ditch" or "trench". It can refer to one of the following:


In anatomical terminology, "fossa" has come to mean a depression or hollow, in general, in a bone. Other parts of the body may be involved, for example, the antecubital fossa. Some examples include:

* Antecubital fossa
* Fossa navicularis
* Cuboid fossa
* Anterior cranial fossa
* Middle cranial fossa
* Posterior cranial fossa
* Jugular fossa
* Fossa ovalis (heart)
* Fossa ovalis (thigh)
* Iliac fossa
* Pelvic fossa
* Popliteal fossa
* Supraclavicular fossa
* On the Temporal bone
** Mandibular fossa
** Jugular fossa
* On the scapula:
** Glenoid fossa
** Supraspinous fossa
** Infraspinous fossa
** Subscapular fossa

*See also foramen.


*La Fossa, an Italian rap group.


*Fossa (geology), used in planetary geology.


*Fossa, small village near L'Aquila, Italy.
*Fossa, County Kerry, small village near Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland
*Fossa (Iceland), River in Iceland, discharging into Berufiord Bay, near Akranes


*Fossa (animal) ("Cryptoprocta ferox"), a mammal native to the island of Madagascar.
*"Fossa" (genus), the genus of the Malagasy Civet, a mammal closely related to the Fossa.


*Fossa dei Leoni, an italian football supporters association of Milan

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