Red-breasted Toucan

Red-breasted Toucan

name = Red-breasted Toucan
status = LC
status_system = IUCN3.1

image_width = 300px
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regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Piciformes
familia = Ramphastidae
genus = Ramphastos
species = "R. dicolorus"
binomial = " Ramphastos dicolorus"
binomial_authority = Linnaeus, 1766

The Red-breasted Toucan ("Ramphastos dicolorus"), also known as the Green-billed Toucan, is found in southern and eastern Brazil, eastern Paraguay and far north-eastern Argentina. It is primarily found in Atlantic Forest. Overall, it is fairly common, and therefore considered to be of least concern by IUCN.

It is one of the smallest species of "Ramphastos" toucans, weighing approximately 350 grams. Its beak is one of the shortest of "Ramphastos" toucans at only about 10 cm (4 in) in length. The Red-breasted Toucan derives its name from the large area of red feathers, which are really on the abdomen. Its breast is actually orange, with yellow at the sides. The beak is mostly pale greenish-horn, leading to its alternative common name, the Green-billed Toucan. In aviculture, their requirement of spacious cages, a high fruit diet and sensitivity to hemochromatosis (iron storage disease) make them difficult to maintain for novice keepers.

External links

* [ Extensive Gallery on Toucans]
* [ List of Toucans]
* [ Toucan videos] on the Internet Bird Collection

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