- Peter Behrens (writer)
Peter Behrens is a Canadian
novelist ,screenwriter andshort story writer. His debut novel, "The Law of Dreams ", won the 2006 Governor General's Award for English fiction.Behrens was born and raised in
Montreal , where he studied atConcordia University andMcGill University . His earliest short fiction can be found in "Best Canadian Stories 1978" and "Best Canadian Stories 1979", and in his debut short story collection, "Night Driving" (1987). He subsequently worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter; though he continued to publish short stories and essays in Canadian and American magazines, he did not publish another book until "The Law of Dreams," his novel of a homeless lad thrown off his lands by the Ireland's Great Potato Famine.Behrens currently lives in
Maine with his family.External links
* [http://www.peterbehrens.org/ Peter Behrens]
* [http://maisonneuve.org/index.php?&page_id=12&article_id=2534 Online interview with Nick Haramis for Maisonneuve Magazine]
* [http://www.cbc.ca/wordsatlarge/features/feature.php?storyId=213 Online interview from CBC Words at Large]
* [http://www.thephoenix.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?id=23194 "A hunger for truth"] interview/review by Mike Miliard, "The Boston Phoenix ", September 20, 2006
* [http://tls.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25361-2646533,00.html Times Literary Supplement review of The Law of Dreams, by Paul Owen]
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