Emmanuel Nunes

Emmanuel Nunes

Emmanuel Nunes (born in Lisbon, 31 August 1941) is a Portuguese composer presently living in Paris.


Nunes studied harmony and counterpoint at the Lisbon Music Academy and attended courses at the Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Darmstadt given by Pierre Boulez (1965) and Henri Pousseur (1964). In 1964 he travelled to Paris and a year later to Cologne, where he studied composition with Henri Pousseur and Karlheinz Stockhausen, and took courses in electronic music with Jaap Spek and phonetics with Georg Heike. Amongst other prizes, in 1971 he was awarded the Premier Prix d´Esthetique Musicale in the class of Marcel Beaufils at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, in 1999 won the UNESCO Composition Prize, and in 2000 was the winner of the Prémio Pessoa.

Since the 1980s he has himself become a teacher, amongst other places at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Harvard University in the USA, at the Paris Conservatory, and at the Darmstadt Summer Courses. From 1986 to 1992 he held a professorship in composition at the New Music Institute of the Freiburg Musikhochschule. Nunes was named an Officer of the French Order of Arts and Letters in 1986, and in 1991 was appointed Comendador da Ordem de Santiago da Espada by the President of Portugal. From 1992 until 2006 Nunes has been Professor of Composition at the Paris Conservatory.

"Adapted from the Portuguese, French, and German Wikipedias".

Compositions (selective list)

Orchestral music

* "Fermata", for orchestra and tape (1973)
* "Ruf", for orchestra and tape (1977)
* "Chessed I", for four instrumental ensembles (1979)
* "Chessed II", for sixteen instrumental soloists and orchestra (1979)
* "Sequencias", for clarinet, 2 vibraphones, violin, and orchestra (1982/1983–88)
* "Quodlibet", for 28 instruments, six percussionists, and orchestra, led by two conductors (1990–91)
* "Chessed IV", for string quartet and orchestra (1992)

Chamber music

* "Wandlungen", for ensemble and live electronics (1986)
* "Clivages I and II", for six percussionists (1987 and 1988)
* "Lichtung I", for clarinet, horn, trombone, tuba, 4 percussionists, and cello (1988/91)
* "Chessed III", for string quartet (1990–91)

olo instrumental

* "Litanies du feu et de la mer I", for piano (1969)
* "Litanies du feu et de la mer II", for piano (1971)
* "Einspielung III", for solo viola (1981)
* "Ludi concertati no. 1", for solo bass flute (1985)
* "Aura", for solo flute (1983–89)

Vocal music

* "Machina Mundi", for four instrumental soloists, choir, orchestra, and tape (1991–92)


* Faust, Wolfgang Max. 1986. "Auf ein komplexes rhythmisches Urprinzip bezogen: Emmanuel Nunes im Gespräch (1979)". "MusikTexte" 15:5–8.
* Rafael, João. 1997. "The Fertile Development: An Analysis of "Wandlungen" of Emmanuel Nunes". "Academiae Analecta: Mededelingen van de Kon. Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. 3: Klasse der Schone Kunsten" 8, no. 2 (Summer): 33–55.
* Stoianova, Ivanka. 2002. "Offenheit als Raumwerden der Zeit: Der portugiesische Komponist Emmanuel Nunes". "MusikTexte: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik" no. 93:11–14.
* Szendy, Peter. 1993. "Réécrire: "Quodlibet" d'Emmanuel Nunes". "Genesis: Revue internationale de critique génétique" 4 (Ecritures musicales d'aujourd'hui): 111–33.
* Szendy, Peter (ed.). 1998. "Emmanuel Nunes: Textes réunis par Peter Szendy". Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN 2858509700; ISBN 2738462502
* Szendy, Peter. 1999. "Glossaire: En marge de deux textes d'Emmanuel Nunes (l'un présent, l'autre absent)". "La loi musicale: Ce que la lecture de l'histoire nous (dés)apprend". Musique et musicologie: Les dialogues, edited by Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, pp. 137–43. Paris and Montréal: L'Harmattan. ISBN 2738486266
* Szendy, Peter, and Brigitte Massin. 1989. "Entretien avec Emmanuel Nunes". In "Musiques en création: Textes et entretiens", edited by Philippe Albèra, Vincent Barras, Jean-Marie Bergère, Joseph G. Cecconi, and Carlo Russi, 103–12. Geneva: Contrechamps. Reprinted 1997. ISBN 2940068100
* Zenck, Martin. 1997. "Emmanuel Nunes' "Quodlibet": Gehört mit den Ohren Nonos". "Nähe und Distanz: Nachgedachte Musik der Gegenwart II", edited by Wolfgang Gratzer, 154–171. Hofheim: Wolke. ISBN 3923997671

External links

* [http://www.sinfonietta-archiv.ch/PPL/Saison98/S4%20Text.htm Chronological table, biography by Philippe Albèra, and note on "Quodlibet" by Joseph Häusler] de icon
* [http://mac-texier.ircam.fr/textes/c00000071/ Ircam Médiathèque information] fr icon

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