Elaine Cunningham

Elaine Cunningham

Elaine Cunningham (born August 12, 1957) is an American fantasy and science fiction author, especially known for her almost poetic literary style and her contributions to the Forgotten Realms campaign world, including the realms of Evermeet, Halruaa, Ruathym and Waterdeep.

Amongst Elaine's most popular characters are the half-elf Arilyn Moonblade, the bard Danilo Thann, the quirky drow wizard Liriel Baenre, her companion the Rashemi berserker Fyodor, and her enemy - the single-minded Gorlist, Elaith "The Serpent" Craulnober (created by Ed Greenwood), Matteo and Tzigone, and the deep dragon Zz'Pzora.

Elaine is also the "New York Times" bestselling author of "Dark Journey", from the "Star Wars" "New Jedi Order" saga.

Elaine is currently working on the final book of her long-running "Songs & Swords" series entitled "Reclamation". The book will feature Arilyn Moonblade and Danilo Thann, and is due out in November 2008 (cite web | author=Cunningham, Elaine | url=http://www.elainecunningham.com/Bookshelf.htm | title=Elain Cunningham Bookshelf | accessdate=2007-12-29).

Elaine lives in New England with her husband, their two sons, and two eccentric Siamese cats.


* "Songs & Swords" (featuring Arilyn, Danilo and Elaith)
** I. "Elfshadow" (1991/2000 reprint)
** II. "Elfsong" (1994/2000 reprint)
** III. "Silver Shadows" (1996/2001 reprint)
** IV. "Thornhold" (1998/2001 reprint)
** V. "The Dream Spheres" (1999)

* "Starlight and Shadows" (featuring Liriel, Fyodor, Gorlist and Zz'Pzora)
** I. "Daughter of the Drow" (1995)
** II. "Tangled Webs" (1996)
** III. "Windwalker" (2003)

* "" (1998)

* "Councelors & Kings" (featuring Matteo and Tzigone)
** I. "The Magehound" (2000)
** II. "The Floodgate" (2001)
** III. "The Wizardwar" (2002)

* "" (With Ed Greenwood; 2005)

* Forgotten Realms anthology novellas
** "The Bargain"—"Realms of Valor" (1993)/"" (2007)
** "The More Things Change"—"Realms of Infamy" (1994)/"" (2007)
** "The Direct Approach"—"Realms of Magic" (1995)/"" (2007)
** "Rite of Blood"—"Realms of the Underdark" (1996)/"The Best of the Realms, Book 1" (2003)
** "Secrets of Blood, Spirits of the Sea"—"Realms of the Arcane" (1997)/"" (2007)
** "The Great Hunt"—"Dragon magazine" #246 (1998)/"" (2007)
** "Speaking with the Dead"—"Realms of Mystery" (1998)/"" (2007)
** "Stolen Dreams"—"Dragon magazine" #259 (1999)/"" (2007)
** "Fire is Fire"—"Realms of the Deep" (2000)/"" (2007)
** "Possessions"—"Dragon magazine" #282 (2002)/"" (2007)
** "A Little Knowledge"—"Realms of Shadow" (2002)/"" (2007)
** "Gorlist's Dragon"—"Realms of Dragons" (2004)
** "Games of Chance"—"Dragon magazine" #335 (2005)/"" (2007)
** "The Knights of Samular"—"" (2007)
** "Tribute"—"" (2007)
** "Answered Prayers"—"" (2007)

* Del Rey's "Star Wars books"
** "Red Sky, Blue Flame
** "Dark Journey", Book 12 (featuring Jaina Solo)
** "The Apprentice

*"The Changeling Detective Agency" series
** I. "Shadows in the Darkness" (2004)
** II. "Shadows in the Starlight" (2006)

*Fantasist Enterprises anthology novellas
**"Juniper"—"" (2005)
**"Raven"—"" (2005)


*("From [http://www.candlekeep.com Candlekeep] web forums"): Ravens and crows will also interact with humans. Occasionally they'll imitate human behavior (such as helping gardeners pull weeds.) Sometimes they're willing to cut a deal. I've got one going with the local "raven mafia." They always gather on trash pickup day, but in exchange for some "protection bread," they'll leave my trash alone and even chase other birds away from it.

*("From [http://www.elainecunningham.com Elaine Cunningham's website] , on the subject of author photos"): I find this sort of thing unnecessary and irrelevant. It's like that scene from "Wizard of Oz," when the wizard admonishes Dorothy and company, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" It's the illusion -- in this case, the story -- that matters. What difference does it make if an author is male or female, young or old, or for that matter, a Caucasian human or a sentient dolphin?

External links

* [http://www.elainecunningham.com Elaine Cunningham's website]
* [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/bio/ElaineCunningham Wizards of the Coast Biography]
* [http://www.atlasofadventure.com/interviews/ecunningham.asp Interview at Atlas of Adventure]
* [http://www.flamesrising.com/elaine-cunningham-interview Interview at Flames Rising] (September 2008)

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