Harbin Y-12

Harbin Y-12

Infobox Aircraft
name= Harbin Y-12

type= twin engine turboprop utility aircraft
manufacturer=Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation
designer=Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation
first flight=
primary user= China
more users=
number built=
unit cost=
developed from = Harbin Y-11
variants with their own articles=
The Harbin Y-12 is a high wing twin-engine turboprop utility aircraft built by Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (HAMC).

Design and development

The Y-12 started life as a development of the Harbin Y-11 airframe. The design featured numerous improvements including a redesigned wing with a supercritical aerofoil section and bonded rather than riveted construction. The Y-12 II prototype first flew August 16 1984 and received Chinese certification in December of the following year. The powerplants are two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27 turboprops with Hartzell props. The Y-12 has a maximum payload of 5,700 kg (12,600 lb) with space for 17 passengers (2 crew). The aircraft is operated by China, several other countries in the region and in the South Pacific as a light commuter and transport aircraft.


* Y-12 I : Twin-engined STOL utility transport aircraft, powered by two 500-shp (373-kW) Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-11 turboprop engines. First production version.
* Y-12 II : Fitted with the more powerful engines.
* Y-12 IV : Improved version. Revised wingtips (span increased to 19.2 m (63 ft) and increased take off weight. 19 passengers.
* Twin Panda : Powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-34 turboprop engines.


Military operators

* Royal Cambodian Air Force;ERI;GUY
* Guyana Air Force;IRN;KEN
* Kenya Air Force;MRT
* Mauritania Air Force;MGL
* Mongolian People's Air Force;PAK;PAR;PER;SRI
* Sri Lanka Air Force;TAN;UGA;ZAM

Civil operators

* Aero Bengal;PRC
*China Flying Dragon Aviation;FIJ
* Air Fiji;KIR
* Air Kiribati;LAO
* Lao Airlines;MAS
* Berjaya Air;MGL
* MIAT Mongolian Airlines;NEP;TON
* Airlines Tonga

pecifications (Y-12 (II))

aircraft specifications

plane or copter?=
jet or prop?=

ref=Brassey's World Aircraft & Sysyems Directory 1999/2000 Taylor 1999, p.189]
capacity=17 passengers
length main= 18.86 m
length alt= 48 ft 9 in
span main= 17.24 m
span alt= 56 ft 6½ in
height main= 5.68 m
height alt= 18 ft 7½ in
area main= 34.27 m²
area alt= 368.9 ft²
empty weight main= kg
empty weight alt= lb
loaded weight main= kg
loaded weight alt= lb
useful load main= kg
useful load alt= lb
max takeoff weight main= 5,300 kg
max takeoff weight alt= 11,684 lb
more general=
engine (prop)=Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27
type of prop=torboprop
number of props=2
power main= 462 kW
power alt= 620 hp
power original=
max speed main= 328 km/h
max speed alt= 177 knots, 204 mph
max speed more= at 3,000m (9,840 ft) (max cruise)
cruise speed main= 250 km/h
cruise speed alt= 135 knots, 155 mph
cruise speed more= at 3,000m (9,840 ft) (econ cruise)
stall speed main=
stall speed alt=
never exceed speed main=
never exceed speed alt=
range main= 1,340 km
range alt= 723 NM, 832 mi
range more= at econ cruise, 45 min reserves
ceiling main= 7,000 m
ceiling alt= 23,000 ft
climb rate main= 8.1 m/s
climb rate alt= 1,595 ft/min
loading main= kg/m²
loading alt= lb/ft²
power/mass main= W/kg
power/mass alt= hp/lb
more performance=

ee also

see also=
similar aircraft=
* Antonov An-28
* Dornier 228
* DHC-6 Twin Otter
* IAI Arava
* GAF Nomad
* Shorts SC.7 Skyvan
* List of Chinese aircraft
* List of light transport aircraft
* List of civil aircraft




*Taylor, Michael J.H. (ed.). "Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1999/2000". London: Brassey's, 1999. ISBN 1 85753 245 7.

External links

* [http://www.flugzeuginfo.net/acdata_php/acdata_y12_en.php Specs & Photo at Flugzeuginfo.net]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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