Jess Tamblyn

Jess Tamblyn

Jess Tamblyn is a fictional character from the Saga of Seven Suns series of novels by Kevin J. Anderson.

Jess Tamblyn
Year of Birth 2402
Homeworld Plumas
Race Human (Roamer)
Gender Male
Affiliation Roamer, Wental


Jess Tamblyn was the second son of Bram Tamblyn and Karla Baker and was made the heir to the Plumas water mine after his elder brother Ross Tamblyn was disowned. Although Jess remained on good relations with Ross there was some friction as Jess was in love with Ross's fiance, Cesca Peroni, though Ross was ignorant of the fact. Jess's old compy EA that had been passed down to him from Ross was gifted to his sister Tasia, whom Jess had taught to pilot a few types of Roamer craft and they sometimes went out looking for the lost generation ship Burton.

After Ross was killed by the hydrogues Jess engineered a counterstrike at Golgen by launching mountains of rock from the gas giant's rings into the atmosphere of the planet. Jess served as pilot when Kotto Okiah first travelled to Isperos and also as a spotter at the blitzkrieg ekti raid on Welyr five years after Shareen Pasternak's skymine was destroyed there.

Although continuing on his relationship with Cesca Peroni and planning to announce their engagement almost six years after Ross's death, Jess departed as a volunteer in a nebula skimmer venture to avoid a pained break up with Cesca when it became clear that a marriage to Reynald Theron would be advantageous.

While partaking in the nebula skimming venture Jess also collected water particles in his small craft, which gradually reassociated into the ancient water-entity of a Wental. Departing from his task of scouring for ekti Jess travelled to a couple of unknown worlds to aid with the rejuvenation of the Wentals, however he encountered a hydrogue warglobe at the second planet and had to swallow Wental water to keep it hidden from the hydrogues.

Although crashing on the unnamed planet Jess managed to survive the impact due to the state of his new Wental infused body. Using the new powers he received from the Wentals Jess managed to leave the planet on a specially constructed ship and after his escape Jess travelled to Rendezvous to enlist the help of the Roamers to spread the Wentals.

Along with a group of volunteer Roamers - including Nikko Chan Tylar - who he had persuaded to help him on his quest, Jess travelled back to the second planet where he had introduced the Wentals to show his comrades the power of the species. After this Jess continued to distribute the Wentals to places such as an asteroid where he and Cesca Peroni had used to meet for a secret rendezvous and Golgen which was made viable again for Roamer skymining.

Appearances/ Sources

  • Hidden Empire
  • A Forest of Stars
  • Horizon Storms
  • Scattered Suns
  • Of Fire and Night
  • Metal Swarm
  • The Ashes of Worlds

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