Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Insitution and Logopedical Institute

Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Insitution and Logopedical Institute

The Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Insitution and Logopedical Institute (shortly Calvin or Downtown, originally in Hungarian Belvárosi Általános Iskola Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény és Logopédiai Intézet) is a state school in Hungary in Csongrád state, in the city of Makó on the Calvin square. The motto of the school is "DOCENDO DISCIMUS", which means "We learn by the way of teaching" (in original Hungarian: Tanítva tanulunk) The ancestor of the school was founded by István Szegedi Kis in 1545. The Protestant church insured the congregations from here with pastors and teachers during the Turkish invasion of Hungary. The result of this in 1686 when the turk burned the city this school was burned to its ground too. 1713 is the next important date in its history. With the goal, to make a state school it was built again from its ruin. In 1812 the „Nagy Oskola”, what mean the Great School was founded.

During the Hungarian Soviet Republic its name was Béla Kun Primary School. After the surrender of this party, the school took back its name the Calvin Street Primary School, what was used until the incorporation with the Béla Bartók School.

The coat of arms

One part of the coat imagine the school by a coatquarter the "Owlcastle". The owl however mean wisdom and knowledge too. The three lyre symbolize the arts education. The three shell mean mathematics, and the liability of the school that they utilize the gifts (white pearl) of its students. In the circle of permission stand a compass, in the meaning of life and knowledge, the shower of the right way. The torch is the fire's reunion force, and the attribute of wisdom. The compass and the torch imply the theses of Comenius, the importance of the quality insurance. The coat's red and blue colour is because of the city Makó's flagcolours.

The parts of the school: Calvin building and its history

The greatest unit of the school is the building complex on Calvin square next to the Calvinist church. A mixed complex, what stand from the Owlcastle to the modern new building, and contain various building styles.The oldest unit is on the name Owlcastle (Bagolyvár), Makó's oldest tiered building. It was built in Early-Classicism style about 180 years before, with cellar and attic. There is teaching in that nowadays too, on the first floor are the foreign language classrooms (English, German) and the religious study-circles and other afternoon abilities. On the ground floor is the student and teacher dining hall and the kitchen.The old building is about 80 years old, the old Bethlen Internate's building make place for the mathematic, informatic, Hungarian classrooms, the library, the teacher's room, and the media-singing classroom. In the year of 2006 this classroom was modernised by a beamer, movie projector to make it the level of other classrooms.The newest unit, the new building was built in 1982. Here is the education of lower classes, and on the ground are the crafts classrooms, the nowadays don't used furnace and the cubicles. The Calvin Street complex has: 2 (small and large) gym, sports field, a running field that is covered with cinder, 2 jumpingfield too, that was in 2005 rebuilt with new bricks.

The parts of the school: Bartók building and its history

In 1997 this school become the part of the Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Institution and Logopedical Institute, this give the end " Elementary Arts Educational Institution".It was founded in 1880 as a civilian girl primary school. After the fall of that it took the name Szeged Street Primary School. That was an important point, when in 1958 Dénes Bolaman's wife music teacher founded the first music class, what characterize the school nowadays too. By the way of this can it be the second largest complex of the Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Insitution and Logopedical Institute.It stand from the main building, what wear on itself the classicism, where is the forenoon education. The library, classrooms, chorus classroom and other rooms can be found here. In the other building is the musical instrument classrooms. One-one classroom is linked with a corridor and the dining room make this second part of the Bartok Building. Here can be found a very large palette of the musical instruments classrooms, and the room of orchestra.This part has: A gym, a football field, and a ship shaped sand pit too.The Bartok Building make place for the cultural life, and celebrating in the school.

The parts of the school: Member institutes

In 2005 many schools in the vicinity became under this school's "defender wings". With Ferencszállás, Királyhegyes and Klárafalva villages' education instituted, we became one of the largest school in the region.Because of this the students from this villages get from the light of the Downtown Primary School Elementary Arts Educational Institution and Logopedical Institute too.

Great anchestors

They were years ago the student of this school:
* Miklós Szirbik
* István Tömörkény
* Ferenc Erdei

Other information

* [ The school's homepages]
* [ The city of Makó educational page]
* [ The page vengégváró from the Owlcastle
* [ Classicism in Makó]

Other pictures

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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