- Northern Greater Galago
name = Northern Greater GalagoMSW3 Groves|pages=126]
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
status_ref = IUCN2006 | assessors = Butynski, T. & Members of the Primate Specialist Group | year = 2000 | title = Otolemur garnettii | id = 15644 | downloaded =2006-11-20 ]
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Primate s
subordo =Strepsirrhini
infraordo =Lorisiformes
familia = Galagidae
genus = "Otolemur "
species = "O. garnettii"
binomial = "Otolemur garnettii"
binomial_authority = (Ogilby , 1838)The Northern Greater Galago ("Otolemur garnettii"), also known as Garnett's Greater Galago, is a
prosimian primate endemic to Africa.A low-coverage
genomic sequence of the Northern Greater Galago, was completed in 2006. As a 'primitive' primate, the sequence is particularly useful in bridging the sequences of higher primates (macaque , chimp,human ) to close non-primates such asrodent s. The current 2x coverage is not sufficient to create a full genome assembly, but will provide comparative data across most of the human assembly.References
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