

FileTopia is a free, Windows-based client and networking tool allowing users to organize files, text & voice recordings, chat, and instant messages. All communication is encrypted, using ciphers such as AES, Blowfish, and Idea. To protect the users identity, they are able to use a "bouncer", which is essentially a proxy, to keep their IP hidden from the internet. Filetopia also features message boards and buddy lists. Users can share globally, or in specific channels/chat rooms, or in "Trade Mode". It is not a centralized system, users must connect to multiple servers in order to find each other, but file transfers, etc. are conducted on a peer-to-peer basis.

FileTopia development has been halted for the last six years. Originally, the developer was busy creating the TorrentOpia software in the boom of the BitTorrent era - but with promises of future versions "in the coming months" since 2003-2004 within popular FileTopia chatrooms, it has been assumed that a new version of the software is unlikely. However, even with the ageing current FileTopia version (3.04), there is still a small, but vibrant community of people sharing a wealth of data.

ee also

* Anonymous P2P

External links

* [ Filetopia home page]
* [ Filetopia Webring]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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