Heavy Fuel

Heavy Fuel

Infobox Single
Name = Heavy Fuel

Artist = Dire Straits
from Album = On Every Street
Released = 1991
Format = CD, Cassette
Recorded =
Genre = Rock
Length = 05:10
Label = Vertigo
Writer = Mark Knopfler
Producer =
Certification =
Chart position = * #1 (US Mainstream Rock)
Last single = "Calling Elvis"
This single = "Heavy Fuel"
Next single = "On Every Street"
"Heavy Fuel" is a song by the rock band Dire Straits released on their album "On Every Street" in 1991. It was also released as a single.

In Heavy Fuel, Knopfler ironically extols the virtues of such conventionally frowned-upon vices as cigarettes, hamburgers, Scotch, lust, money, and violence.

The phrase "You gotta run on heavy fuel" is from the novel "Money" by Martin Amis, on which Knopfler based his lyric. [Dagostino, Susan. 2006 Mark Knopfler's Song Inspirations. EzineArticles (May, 25)]

Track list

#"Heavy Fuel"
#"Planet of New Orleans"
#"Kingdom Come"


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