Reinhart Hummel

Reinhart Hummel

Reinhart Hummel (January 26 1930 - February 9 2007 [cite web |url= |title=Die EZW trauert um ihren langjährigen Leiter Reinhart Hummel (1930-2007) |accessdate=2007-04-22 |last=Hempelmann |first=Reinhard |authorlink= |coauthors= |date=13 |year=2007 |month=February |format= |work=Press release |publisher=Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen |pages= |language=German |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=Der evangelische Missionstheologe und Experte für neureligiöse Bewegungen Reinhart Hummel verstarb am 9. Februar im Alter von 77 Jahren in Stuttgart. 14 Jahre (1981-1995) war er als Leiter der Evangelischen Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW) tätig und stand mit Kompetenz und Glaubwürdigkeit prägend an der Spitze dieser Einrichtung der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) ] ) was a German theologian and long-term leader of the Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen ("EZW"). The EZW (literally: Protestant Centre for Questions on World Views) is a subdivision of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Located in Berlin, it professes to function as a centralized research, documentation and information center on new religious movements. Hummel is also the author of many books about new religious movements.

Hummel studied protestant theology and received his Ph.D. in 1963 for the thesis "Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Kirche und Judentum im Matthäusevangelium" (literally The dialog between church and Judaism in the gospel of Matthew). Subsequently, he worked as a pastor in Schleswig Holstein. From 1966 until 1972 he led the Lutheranian theological college in Orissa, India. Back in Germany he received a request to research Indian guru movements at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. He received the right to lecture with his work "Indische Mission und neue Frömmigkeit im Westen. Religiöse Bewegungen in westlichen Kulturen“, (literally: Indian mission and new piety in the West: religious movements in western cultures) that was published by the Kohlhammer group.

From 1981 until 1994 he was director of the EZW. In his work he disagreed with the concept and explanatory model of "Jugendreligion" (literally youth religion) for new religious communities, as it was popularized by among others the German author Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack (1935-1991). In the beginning he fully rejected the controversial use of the German word "sekte" (that is translated sometimes with "cult" but also as "sect" in English), but in his later works he recognized the justification of the concept in differentiated use.

He asserted that some of the groups monitored by the EZW had developed both in the society as well as in interfaith dialogue in a positive way, i.e. that they had decreased their original potential for conflict. This assertion was both respected and rejected. It would be especially applicable for the Jehovah's witnesses, the Unification Church, and ISKCON/Hare Krishnas. In spite of this, the Unification Church is still very critical about his assessment of the church.

Footnotes and references

*German Wikipedia article dated 18 November 2006
*German Wikipedia article dated 18 November 2006 mentioning the following bibliography
** Arweck, Elisabeth "Researching New Religious Movements. Responses and redefinitions", London/New York 2006, 227-253 ISBN 0-415-27755-8
**Joneleit-Oesch, Silja "Die Kirche und die Gurus. Die Geschichte der Evangelischen Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen mit der Hare-Krishna- und der Osho-/Bhagwan-Bewegung", Frankfurt am Main 2003 ISBN 3-87476-433-8
** Pöhlmann, Matthias "Kampf der Geister. Die Publizistik der "Apologetischen Centrale" (1921-1937)," KoGe 16, Stuttgart u.a. 1998 ISBN 3-17-015461-3
** Pöhlmann, Matthias and Hans-Jürgen Ruppert, Reinhard Hempelmann, "Die EZW im Zug der Zeit. Beiträge zu Geschichte und Auftrag evangelischer Weltanschauungsarbeit", EZW-Texte 154, Berlin 2000.
** Hempelmann, Reinhard and Ulrich Dehn, Andreas Fincke, Michael Nüchtern, Matthias Pöhlmann, Hans-Jürgen Ruppert and Michael Utsch (Hg.), "Panorama der neuen Religiosität. Sinnsuche und Heilsversprechen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts", Gütersloh 2001, ²2005 ISBN 3-579-02320-9

elected bibliography

:German:*"Indische Mission und neue Frömmigkeit im Westen. Religiöse Bewegungen in westlichen Kulturen", Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-17-005609-3:*"Hindu-Gurus heute" Wien : Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Österr. Seelsorge Seelsorgeämter, Referat für Weltanschauungsfragen, 1992:*"Religiöser Pluralismus oder christliches Abendland? Herausforderungen an Kirche und Gesellschaft", Darmstadt 1994, ISBN 3-534-11717-4:*"Gurus, Meister, Scharlatane" Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1996 :*"Vereinigungskirche die "Moon-Sekte" im Wandel" Neukirchen-Vluyn : Bahn, 1998 ISBN 3-7615-4979-2:*"Reinkarnation" Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1999:*"Dialog und Unterscheidung" Berlin : EZW, 2000 :*"Östliche Religionen und evangelischer Glaube" / Bd. 1. Einführung und Unterrichtsentwürfe 2001:English :* [ World Improvement and the Ideal Society] article in "Update III 1/2", July 1979:* [ Asiatic Religions in Europe] by Dr. Reinhart Hummel with Dr. Bert Hardin, article in "Update VII 2", June 1983 :* [ Guru, Miracle Worker, Religious Founder: Sathya Sai Baba] article in "Update IX 3", Sept. 1985, originally published in German in "Materialdienst der EZW", 47 Jahrgang, 1 February 1984:* [ Remarks on Heber Jentzsch and Scientology] short note published in "Spirituality in East and West / Update and Dialog 3" October 1993 :* [ Asian Religions in the West: Their Attitude Towards Dialogue and Pluralism] article in "Spirituality in East and West / Update and Dialog 4", May 1994

External links

* [ Contribution to the conference "30 years of ISKCON in Germany"] appeared in ISKCON communication journal
* [ Yoga - Meditationsweg für Christen? Probleme einer christlichen Yoga-Rezeption] 1990 (German language)
* [ Reinhart Hummel] short biographical information on the website of ISKCON communication journal

NAME=Hummel, Reinhart
SHORT DESCRIPTION=German theologist
DATE OF BIRTH=January 26, 1930

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