Sheet moulding compound

Sheet moulding compound

Sheet moulding compound (SMC) or sheet moulding composite is a ready to mould fibre-reinforced polyester material primarily used in compression moulding. The sheet is provided in rolls weighing up to 400 kg.

SMC is manufactured by dispersing long stands (>1”) of chopped glass fibers on a bath of polyester resin. The longer glass fibers in SMC result in better strength properties than standard BMC products. Typical applications include demanding electrical applications, corrosion resistant needs, structural components at low cost, automotive, and transit.

Physical properties

*Impact Strength: 8-13 ft·lbf/in
*Flex Strength: 18-34 KPSI
*Flex Mod: 1.5-2.1 KPSI
*Tensile Strength: 8-18 KPSI
*Compressive Strength: 24-32 KPSI
*HDT @ 264 PSI: >500°F

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