Airport '07

Airport '07

] The sketch showing Quagmire becoming Joe's careworker and changing his diaper was cut from television, as certain types of feces jokes are prohibited from television. Quagmire shown climbing out of a deceased woman's coffin was censored from television, as broadcasting standards objected to the nature of the joke, as the man speaking at her funeral implied she was a virgin. After engaging in sex with an airport worker, Quagmire states "the contents of your vagina may have shifted during coitus" this was changed to "the contents of your panties may have shifted during coitus" for broadcasting on Fox. The conversation between Hugh Heffner and Quagmire in the airport has a slight echo, this is due to the fact that it was recorded in Hefner's Den, rather than the production studios. As a result, an echo of similar level was added to Quagmire's voice, in order to equal both voices out.

Cultural references

Peter imagining flying his pickup truck through the air and greeting fighter jet pilots is a reference to "Top Gun". After Quagmire crashes the plane, his co-pilot is shown to be Nien Nunb, a reference to 1983 space opera film "". The rabbits that say "three weeks later" is a reference to 1995 film "Babe". The faux introduction after Peter and Lois' conversation is a reference to "Will & Grace". The scene of the airplane taking off as Peter and his friends prepare to drug the pilots is a reference to "Airplane!", as is the music in the background. Other music from "Airplane!" is used in the episode, as Quagmire is assisting Peter in landing the airplane safely. The style of the end credits in the episode is a reference to children's book "Little House on the Prairie".


In a review of "Family Guy", Volume five, Nancy Basile regarded “Airport ’07,” alongside “Prick Up Your Ears,” and Barely Legal” as “gem episodes.”cite web|url=|title=Family Guy Volume five DVD|accessdate=2008-07-29|author=Basile, Nancy||accessdate=2008-06-19] Ahsan Haque of IGN commented "When Family Guy is at its best, audiences are typically presented with an overwhelming barrage of cultural references, some disturbing imagery, and usually left with a sufficiently catchy musical number - all put together to tell a somewhat cohesive story. In this respect, "Airport '07" succeeds admirably by excelling at all of the above," adding that "the disturbing elements in this episode seem to be there purely for shock value."cite web|url=|title=Family Guy: "Airport '07" Review|accessdate=2008-06-19|last=Haque|first=Ahsan|publisher=IGN] Brett Love of TV Squad reviewed the episode positively, writing "Peter finding the identity he'd been searching for his whole life, that of a redneck, was a long way to go to get to him being the cause of Quagmire getting fired, but it was worth the trip," adding "there were a lot of fun bits in the redneck segment." Love concluded to write "Overall, a really good episode."cite web|url=|title=Family Guy Volume five DVD|accessdate=2008-06-22|author=Love, Brett|publisher=TV Squad|date=March 5, 2007]


External links

* [ “Airport '07”] at
* [ “Airport '07] at the Internet Movie Database
*FGwiki|Airport '07

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