- Eucalyptus melliodora
image_caption = "Eucalyptus melliodora", flowers & leaves
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperm s
unranked_classis =Eudicot s
unranked_ordo =Rosid s
ordo =Myrtales
familia =Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus "
species = "E. melliodora"
binomial = "Eucalyptus melliodora"
binomial_authority = |"Eucalyptus melliodora", commonly known as Yellow Box, is a medium sized to occasionally tall eucalypt. The bark is variable ranging from smooth with an irregular, short stocking, to covering most of the trunk, fibrous, dense or loosely held, grey, yellow or red-brown, occasionally very coarse, thick, dark brown to black; shedding from the upper limbs to leave a smooth, white or yellowish surface.
Leaves are stalked (with petiole), narrow-lanceolate tolanceolate , to 14 x 1.8cm, concolorous, dull, light green or slate grey. The intermarginalvein (obvious on most eucalypt leaves as the leaf vein that lays close to the leafmargin in a circumferential way) is markedly distant from the leaf margin in this species. This occurs in both adult and juvenile leaves. [Brooker & Kleinig, Eucalyptus, An illustrated guide to identification, Reed Books, Melbourne, 1996]The tree is widely distributed on the eastern plains and tablelands from western Victoria,
New South Wales to south-centralQueensland ."E. melliodora" is considered to be the best native tree for honey production, the honey produced has a delightful golden colour and an excellent taste. The timber is pale brown, dense and heavy (about 1100 kg/m3), resistant to decay and has been used for sleepers, posts, poles and bridges. It is not known as a furniture timber.
* Bootle KR. (1983). "Wood in Australia. Types, properties and uses." McGraw-Hill Book Company, Sydney. ISBN 0074510479
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