Joyce Cavalcante

Joyce Cavalcante

Joyce M. F. Cavalcante (b. March 12, 1949) is a Brazilian fiction writer.

She was born in Fortaleza in the state of Ceará. Her novels have a significant erotic component. She is a director of Red de Escritoras Latinoamericanas (RELAT) and the president of Rede de Escritoras Brasileiras (REBRA).

As of 2004, she lives in São Paulo.

* "Eve's Rib" ("Costela De Eva")
* "From Within Outward" ("De Dentro Para Fora")
* "Intimate Enemies" ("Inimigas Íntimas"), winner of the Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA) award in 1993 for best fiction.
* "Letters On The Sun" ("Letras Ao Sol")
* "Mystical Details" ("Retalhos Místicos")
* "Short Stories From Ceara Anthology" ("Antologia Do Conto Cearense")
* "The Devil Sucking Mango" ("O Cão Chupando Manga")
* "The Discourse Of An Absurd Woman" ("O Discurso Da Mulher Absurda")
* "The Other Side Of The Gaze" ("O Outro Lado Do Olhar")
* "The Talent Of Ceara In Short Stories" ("O Talento Cearense Em Contos")

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