Majin Zarak

Majin Zarak

Majin Zarak is the name of a fictional character in the Beast Wars Transformers universe

Beast Wars II

Majin Zarak
Alternate Modes Huge battle carrier
Series Beast Wars: The Second

Majin Zarak ('Majin' being one of the Japanese words for 'Demon', hence his name could be Demon Zarak) is one of the largest, most powerful Transformers that exists in the modern era of the Transformers Universe. He is extremely powerful, but not all that bright. Zarak transforms into a huge battle carrier capable of transporting multiple Transformers. He can directly absorb various forms of energy. His one weak point is the third eye at the top of his head. Behind that eye is a cluster of critical nerves, similar to our brain stem.


Majin Zarak made his only fictional appearance in the Japanese exclusive Beast Wars II movie. Zarak was brought to Gaia using the Superdimensional teleport gate that crashed on the planet. The rival teams of Maximals and Predacons (led by Lio Convoy and Galvatron) both tried to acquire it, but the Predacons succeeded, and summoned the monstrous Transformer to the present.

Realising their might was woefully inadequate against the new threat, the Maximals decided on a different strategy after several failed assaults. They acquired the teleport gate from the Predacons, and used it to summon Optimus Primal ("Convoy") from the Earth's past. By this point, Majin Zarak had turned on the Predacons as well, and went on the rampage. Suddenly Primal arrived, and the two Maximal commanders engaged the huge beast in combat. They eventually realised his one weak spot was the third eye on his forehead. Primal and Leo Prime then combined the power of their Matrixes, transforming into "Flash Lio Convoy" and "Burning Convoy". They blasted Zarak's weak spot and destroyed him, ending the threat.


Majin Zarak shares the Zarak name with the robot/humanoid who formed the head of the original Scorponok.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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