Q-Vandermonde identity

Q-Vandermonde identity

In mathematics, in the field of combinatorics, the q-Vandermonde identity is the q-analogue of the Chu-Vandermonde identity

:egin{bmatrix}m + n\kend{bmatrix}_q=sum_{j} egin{bmatrix}m\k - jend{bmatrix}_qegin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_qq^{j(m-k+j)}.

The proof follows from observing the q-binomial identity with "q"-commuting operators (namely "BA" = "qAB").

Other conventions

In the conventions common in applications to quantum groups, where the q-binomial is symmetric under exchanging q and q^{-1}, the q-Vandermonde identity reads:egin{bmatrix}m + n\kend{bmatrix}_q=q^{m k}sum_{j=0}^{n}q^{-(m+n)j} egin{bmatrix}m\k - jend{bmatrix}_qegin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_q.


Assume that "A" and "B" are operators that "q"-commute:

:BA = qAB.,


:(A + B)^m(A + B)^n ,

:= left(sum_{i=0}^megin{bmatrix}m\iend{bmatrix}_{q}A^{i}B^{m-i} ight)left(sum_{j=0}^negin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_{q}A^{j}B^{n-j} ight)

:: = sum_{i,j}egin{bmatrix}m\iend{bmatrix}_qegin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_{q}A^{i}B^{m-i}A^{j}B^{n-j}

:: = sum_{i,j}egin{bmatrix}m\iend{bmatrix}_qegin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_{q}q^{j(m-i)}A^{i+j}B^{m+n-i-j}.

This makes use of the fact that

BA^2 = BAA = qABA = q^2AAB = q^2A^2B. ,

Now, consider the coefficient of A^{k}B^{m+n-k}, in this expression. This gives


Now, from the q-binomial theory, we recognize that (A+B)^m(A+B)^n=(A+B)^{m+n}, And thus, the coefficient of A^{k}B^{m+n-k}, is


Combining the results gives:egin{bmatrix}m + n\kend{bmatrix}_q=sum_{j} egin{bmatrix}m\k - jend{bmatrix}_qegin{bmatrix}n\jend{bmatrix}_qq^{j(m-k+j)}.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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