- Lingadahalli
Lingadahalli is a village in
Tarikere Talluk,Chikkamagaluru District,Karnataka ,India . It has many communities.VeeraShaiva Linagayath is the major religion in the area. The name Lingadahalli has got its name from theLingayat community which makes major part of the population of the area. The Place is known for its traditional heritage truelly dipicting the legend VeeraShaiva culture. Also there are around 35 houses belonging to Brahmins and almost 30 house belonging to theKoushika Sankethi group. The village is ahobli and the scenic hills ofKemmanagundi andKallahathigiri Falls (where the LordVeeraBhadreshvara resides) are around 10 km from the village.Brahmin's are also considered as real talented people out here. Sankethi is the major tribe amongst brahmins. There are around 40 Brahmin houses here in Lingadahalli. Each house has one or the other person outside the country. Almost in every house you will find an engineer or a doctor. Ramamandira a temple of lord Rama is at the heart of the town.
This village being the place for many religions/paths, is known for religious tolerance and understanding.
Agriculture is the main occupation and major plantation crops grown are Areca nut, Coconut and Banana. Main seasonal crops grown are Beans, Green peas, potato, chillies.
ee also
Sankethi language
*Vachanas ,Bhakti movement
*Viragase ,Shakthi-VishistaAdvaitha
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