Bilz y Pap

Bilz y Pap

Bilz y Pap is the combined marketing name of the two most popular and highest selling domestically-produced soft drinks in Chile.

Although the names are often often used in conjunction as part of their advertising strategy, Bilz and Pap are the marketing names of two distinct flavors of soda produced by the Chilean Compañia de Cervecerias Unidas, S.A. (CCU) beverage corporation. Bilz is an artificially flavored red colored fantasy soft drink, and Pap is its papaya flavored counterpart.

The corporation also produces a third flavor of pineapple soda known as Kem. In recent years, CCU is also marketing zero calorie diet versions of Bilz and Pap, better known as Bilz Light, and Pap Light.

"Bilz y Pap" also refers to the extra-terrestrial red and yellow characters, "Bily Bilz" and "Maik Pap" used in commercials, print advertising, and on the Internet to promote the soft drinks.

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* [ Official site]

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