

In mathematics, a gerbe is a construct in homological algebra and topology. Gerbes were introduced by Jean Giraud harv|Giraud|1971 following ideas of Alexandre Grothendieck as a tool for non-commutative cohomology in degree 2. They can be seen as a generalization of principal bundles to the setting of 2-categories. Gerbes provide a convenient, if highly abstract, language for dealing with many types of deformation questions especially in modern algebraic geometry. In addition, special cases of gerbes have been used more recently in differential topology and differential geometry to give alternative descriptions to certain cohomology classes and additional structures attached to them.



A gerbe on a topological space "X" is a stack "G" of groupoids over "X" which is "locally non-empty" (each point in "X" has an open neighbourhood "U" over which the section category "G"("U") of the gerbe is not empty) and "transitive" (for any two objects "a" and "b" of "G"("U") for any open set "U", there is an open set V inside U such that the restrictions of "a" and "b" to V are connected by at least one morphism).

A canonical example is the gerbe of principal bundles with a fixed structure group "H": the section category over an open set "U" is the category of principal "H"-bundles on "U" with isomorphism as morphisms (thus the category is a groupoid). As principal bundles glue together (satisfy the descent condition), these groupoids form a stack. The trivial bundle "X" x "H" over "X" shows that the local non-emptiness condition is satisfied, and finally as principal bundles are locally trivial, they become isomorphic when restricted to sufficiently small open sets; thus the transitivity condition is satisfied as well.


Algebraic geometry

* Azumaya algebras
* Deformations of infinitestimal thickenings
* Twisted forms of projective varieties
* Fiber functors for motives

Differential geometry

* H^3(X,mathbb{Z})) and mathcal{O}_X^*-gerbes: Jean-Luc Brylinski's approach


Gerbes first appeared in the context of algebraic geometry. They were subsequently developed in a more traditional geometric framework by Brylinski harv|Brylinski|1993. One can think of gerbes as being a natural step in a hierarchy of mathematical objects providing geometric realizations of integral cohomology classes.

A more specialised notion of gerbe was introduced by Murray and called bundle gerbes. Essentially they are a smooth version of abelian gerbes belonging more to the hierarchy starting with principal bundles than sheaves. Bundle gerbes have been used in gauge theory and also string theory. Current work by others is developing a theory of non-abelian bundle gerbes.


last = Giraud
first = Jean
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Cohomologie non abélienne
publisher = Springer
date = 1971
location =
pages =
isbn = 3-540-05307-7

last = Brylinski
first = Jean-Luc
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Loop space, characteristic classes and geometric quantization
publisher = Birkhäuser
date = 1993
location =
pages =
isbn = 0-817-63644-7

External links

* cite web
last = Moerdijk
first = Ieke
title = Introduction to the Language of Stacks and Gerbes
accessdate = 2007-05-20

*" [ What is a Gerbe?] ", by Nigel Hitchin in Notices of the AMS
*" [ Bundle gerbes] ", Michael Murray.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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