Ulai — (a. Geogr.), so v.w. Euläos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ULAI — nomen fluvii, Daniel c. 8. v. 2 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ulai — The Eulaus of the Greeks; a river of Susiana. It was probably the eastern branch of the Choasper (Kerkhan), which divided into two branches some 20 miles above the city of Susa. Hence Daniel (8:2, 16) speaks of standing between the banks of… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Battle of Ulai — The Battle of the Ulai River, in 652 BC, was an Assyrian assault on Elam, which was a Babylonian ally, and was apparently motivated by a desire to protect vital trade caravans of horses and metals from the mountains of Iran and Eastern Anatolia.… … Wikipedia
kaulas — sm. (1) J.Jabl, DŽ, (3) Klm, Arm 1. SD106, R, MŽ210, N, K, LsB194, M, AruP56, Slnt kietas kūno audinys, skeleto dalis: Kaulai sudaro gyvulio griaučius (skeletą) rš. Peties kaulas, arba petikaulis (Os humeri) rš. Viršugalvio kaulas (Os parietale)… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Karkheh River — The Karkheh or Karkhen (known as the Gihon[citation needed] one of the four rivers of Eden/Paradise to the Bible and as the Choaspes[1] in ancient times; also called Eulæus; Hebrew: אולי Ulai[2]) is a river in Khūzestān Province, Iran (ancient… … Wikipedia
Municipal Alliance for Peace — The Municipal Alliance for Peace (MAP) is a network which exists to promote peace in the Middle East. It was set up in June 2005, at a conference in The Hague, to encourage municipal cooperation between Palestinian and Israeli local authorities… … Wikipedia
skūra — ×skūrà (brus. cкypa) sf. (4) NdŽ, Sb, Kp, (2) NdŽ, Plt; L 1. N, M, KŽ, Šll, Slv viršutinis kūno sluoksnis, oda: Gyvolis skū̃rą prasiplėšia, o žmogus odą Plšk. Nuo drėgnasties, nuo šlapumo skūrà tešmeniui nueina, sopa karvei Klt. Kaip surėžė su… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Karun — Karte des KarunVorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE fehlt DatenVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Список сражений до н. э. — … Википедия