Vaginal fornix

Vaginal fornix

Infobox Anatomy
Name = Fornix vaginae
Latin =
GraySubject = 269
GrayPage = 1264

Caption = Human female internal reproductive anatomy

Caption2 = Sagittal section of the lower part of a female trunk, right segment. SM. INT. Small intestine.
System =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = f_14
DorlandsSuf = 12375460
The fornices of the vagina are the deepest portions of the vagina, extending into the recesses created by the extension of the cervix into the vaginal space.

There are three named fornices:
* The posterior fornix is the larger recess, behind the cervix. It is close to the rectouterine pouch.
* There are two smaller recesses in front and at the sides:
** the anterior fornix is close to the vesicouterine pouch.
** the lateral fornix.

Some women receive enjoyment from stimulation of the fornices, while other women say that their fornices cannot be stimulated without stimulation of the cervix, which may be painful.

The posterior fornix has been referred to as "the deep spot."

External links

* - "The Female Pelvis: The Vagina"
* - "Female Reproductive System: cervix, longitudinal"

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