Joseph Paul Gaimard

Joseph Paul Gaimard

Joseph Paul Gaimard (1796 - 1858) was a French naturalist.

Along with Jean René Constant Quoy he served as naturalist aboard the ships "La Coquille" under Louis Isidore Duperrey, and "L'Astrolabe" under the command of Jules Dumont d'Urville between 1826 and 1829. During this voyage they discovered the now extinct giant skink of Tonga "Tachygia microlepis".

He was the scientific leader on "La Recherche" (1835-1836) during its expedition to the Arctic Sea.Fact|date=September 2008 In 1835 Gaimard visited Iceland, returning again the following summer as the head of a scientific mission funded by the French government. Out of this trip came the 9 volume "Voyage en Islande et au Groënland" (8 text volumes, one of geographical illustrations), which was said at the time to be the definitive study of the islands. In 1838, he was the leader of a scientific expedition to Spitsbergen.

At least two species have been named in his honor:
*"Eualus gaimardii" (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)
*"Byblis gaimardi" (Krøyer, 1846)

ee also

La Recherche Expedition (1838-1840)

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