Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow


In the past, the tolerance for this beneficial insectivore was reinforced by superstitions regarding damage to the Barn Swallow's nest. Such an act might lead to cows giving bloody milk, or no milk at all, or to hens ceasing to lay.cite book |last=Cocker |first=Mark |coauthors=Mabey, Richard |title=Birds Britannica |year=2005 |location=London |publisher=Chatto & Windus |isbn=0-7011-6907-9] This may be a factor in the longevity of swallows' nests. Survival, with suitable annual refurbishment, for 10–15 years is regular, and one nest was reported to have been occupied for 48 years.

It is depicted as the "Martlet", "Merlette" or "Merlot" in heraldry, where it represents younger sons who have no lands. It is also represented as lacking feet as this was a common belief at the time.cite book |last=Cooper |first=JC |title=Symbolic and Mythological Animals |pages=218-19 |year=1992 |publisher=Aquarian Press |location=London |isbn=1-85538-118-4] As a result of a campaign by ornithologists, the Barn Swallow has been the national bird of Estonia since 23 June 1960.cite web |title=The State - Structure and Symbols |work=Estonia |url= |publisher=Estonian Embassy in London |accessdate=2007-11-27] cite web |title=National symbols of Estonia |url= |date= |publisher=The Estonia Institute |accessdate=2007-11-27]


External links

* [ Swallows Nest Live Feed] Live feed of a Swallows Nest located in the Tipperary Institute, Tipperary, Ireland.
* [ Barn Swallow videos] on the Internet Bird Collection.
* [ Species account at USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter] . Includes song clips and sonograms.
* [ Species account at Cornell Lab of Ornithology.] Includes range map for the Americas
* [ Species account at South Dakota Birds] . Information and photos.
* [ BirdLife species' status map for Europe (pdf)] .
* [ The Bloemfontein swallow project] Data collection on the wintering grounds
* [ Ageing and sexing (PDF) by Javier Blasco-Zumeta]

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