List of characters in Battle Royale (film)

List of characters in Battle Royale (film)

The following is a list of minor characters in the film "Battle Royale."

=Major Characters=

huya Nanahara

*Played by: Tatsuya Fujiwara
*Kills: Tatsumichi Oki (accident), Kitano
*Weapon: Pot lidA disillusioned, charismatic boy. He is the central focus of the story. After his best friend Nobu is killed, he vows to protect Noriko, Nobu's crush, in his stead. He attempts to get other students to join him, but ultimately fails. Due to help from Kawada, he and Noriko survive the game and escape to the mainland, where they become fugitives.

Noriko Nakagawa

*Played by: Aki Maeda
*Kills: None
*Weapon: BinocularsA sweet, reserved girl. She travels with Shuya, and acts as his moral center. Kitano has an unhealthy obsession with her. Due to help from Kawada, she and Shuya survive the game and escape to the mainland, where they become fugitives.

hogo Kawada

*Played by: Taro Yamamoto
*Kills: Kyoichi Motobuchi, Kazuo Kiriyama
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: ShotgunA hardened fighter and the winner of a previous program. He is introduced to the class as a "transfer student," when in reality he was kidnapped and put in the program to "fix the game." He is on a mission to avenge his girlfriend, whom he was forced to kill in a previous program. He helps Shuya and Noriko escape, but succumbs to his wounds and dies.

Mitsuko Souma

*Played by: Kou Shibasaki
*Kills: Megumi Eto, Hirono Shimizu, Yuichiro Takiguchi, Tadakatsu Hatagami, Takako Chigusa, Kayoko Kotohiki
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: Kama (sickle)A troubled "femme fetale," she uses a beautiful face, fake tears, and her sexuality to help her win the game. She finds more than she can handle in Kazuo Kiriyama, and is then killed.

Kazuo Kiriyama

*Played by: Masanobu Ando
*Kills: Hiroshi Kuronaga, Ryuhei Sasagawa, Izumi Kanai, Mitsuru Numai, Sho Tsukioka, Yutaka Seto, Keita Iijima, Yukiko Kitano, Yumiko Kusaka, Mitsuko Souma, Shogo Kawada
*Killed by: Shogo Kawada
*Weapon: Beginning weapon is a paper fan, quickly acquires a Machine GunA mute, sociopathic killer who signed up for the program for fun. He is introduced as a "transfer student."


*Played by: Takeshi Kitano
*Kills: Yoshitoki "Nobu" Kuninobu, Fumiyo Fujiyoshi
*Killed by: Shuya NanaharaThe class' former teacher, and the administrator for the program. He is highly unhappy in his life, being rejected by his family. He kills students on a whim, just because they annoy him. He maintains an unhealthy obsession with Noriko. After the game ends, he begs Noriko to kill him. She refuses, so he pulls out a gun, which prompts Shuya to shoot him. Mortally wounded, he has one last, bitter conversation with his daughter over the phone, then dies.

=Supporting Characters=

Male Students

Yoshio Akamatsu

*Played by: Shin Kusaka
*Kills: Mayumi Tendo
*Killed by: Kazushi Niida
*Weapon: CrossbowA nervous, overweight boy. He is the first student sent into battle, and he quickly kills Mayumi Tendo. He then attacks Shuya, who wounds him with one of his own arrows. In the scuffle, Akamatsu loses his crossbow. He finds Niida, who offers him his crossbow back. Akamatsu, who has become completely paranoid, rushes toward Niida, who, in a panic, kills Akamatsu by shooting him with the crossbow.

Keita Iijima

*Played by: Ren Matsuzawa
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: JitteA confident basketball player. When Kitano tells the class they must kill each other, Iijima laughs nervously. He later joins up with Shinji and Yutaka, and the trio plans to destroy the school (along with Kitano and the other soldiers) using a truck filled with explosives, and thereby liberate the other students. However, before this plan can be executed, Kiriyama kills the trio. Iijima repeats his wish for all of the class to return home together, laughing nervously, and then dies.

Tatsumichi Oki

*Played by: Gouki Nishimura
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Shuya Nanahara (accident)
*Weapon: Hand AxeA clumsy boy, Oki attacks Shuya in the jungle, but ends up rolling down a hill with him. In the process, the axe he is carrying gets lodged in his head. Oki maintains that hes all right, but then falls over, dead. Yuko witnesses this act, which leads to the massacre in the lighthouse.

Toshinori Oda

*Played by: Shigero Yamaguchi
*Kills None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: Bulletproof VestA geeky, awkward boy. Kiriyama shoots him with a machine gun and leaves him for dead. However, it is revealed that Oda is wearing a bullet proof vest. He is overjoyed to have survived the encounter, but in vocalizing this joy, Kiriyama notices hes alive and comes back to finish the job. Cutting off his head, Kiriyama stuffs a grenade into Odas mouth and attacks Shuya, Noriko, and Kawada with it.


*Played by: Yukihiro Kotani
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kitano
*Weapon: N/AShuyas rebellious slacker of a best friend. After dropping out of school, Noriko convinces Nobu to return, which sparks Nobus interest in her. Having stabbed Kitano the previous year, Kitano has a serious grudge against Nobu, electing to use Nobu as an example to the other students. Kitano detonates Nobus collar, killing him instantly. After Nobus death, Shuya vows to protect Noriko in his stead.

Yoji Kuramoto

*Played by: Osamu Onishi
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Self (suicide)
*Weapon: Unrevealed (possibly rope)A rebellious boy who commits suicide by hanging himself, alongside his girlfiend Yoshimi.

Hiroshi Kuronaga

*Played by: Yuuki Masuda
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: DaggerOne of the gang members that captures Kiriyama, he is killed by Kiriyama with a machine gun.

Ryuhei Sasagawa

*Played by: Shiro Gou
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: UziOne of the gang members that captures Kiriyama, he is killed by Kiriyama with a machine gun.

Hiroki Sugimura

*Played by: Sosuke Takaoka
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kayoko Kotohiki
*Weapon: Tracking DeviceA boy with a reputation as aloner.” He seeks out his best friend Chigusa (who is in love with him), but only finds her as she is near death, and comforts her as she dies. He then seeks out Kotohiki, the girl hes in love with. However, Kotohiki is unaware of the feelings he has for her, and when he approaches, she shoots him. He confesses his love for her as he dies.

Yutaka Seto

*Played by: Yutaka Shimada
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: ForkA goofy, geeky boy. He joins up with Shinji and Iijima, and the trio plans to destroy the school (along with Kitano and the other soldiers) using a truck filled with explosives, and thereby liberate the other students. Just before they begin to implement their plan, Yutaka sees someone and believes it to be Shuya. However, it is actually Kiriyama, who quickly shoots and kills Yutaka.

Yuichiro Takiguchi

*Played by: Junichi Naito
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: MacheteA boy who is killed by Mitsuko, presumably during or after having sex with her.

ho Tsukioka

*Played by: Shigeki Hirokawa
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: NunchuksOne of the gang members that captures Kiriyama, he is killed by Kiriyama with a machine gun.

Kazushi Niida

*Played by: Hirohito Honda
*Kills: Yoshio Akamatsu
*Killed by: Takako Chigusa
*Weapon: Coat HangerA sleazy, socially awkward boy. When he first leaves the school, he finds a crossbow. Akamatsu happens upon him, and Niida offers him his crossbow back. However, Akamatsu charges at him instead, and Niida shoots Akamatsu with the crossbow, killing him. Later, Niida runs into Chigusa. Chigusa has an extreme distaste for him, as he had been spreading rumors about her at school (that she had slept with him). After Chigusa refuses to have sex with him, Niida threatens to rape her, and accidentally scars her face with an arrow. They start fighting, and Chigusa stabs Niida multiple times in the crotch and in the chest, killing him.

Mitsuru Numai

*Played by: Yosuke Shibata
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: HandgunLeader of the gang members that captures Kiriyama, he is killed by Kiriyama with a machine gun.

Tadakatsu Hatagami

*Played by: Satoshi Yokomichi
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: Baseball batA boy who is killed by Mitsuko, presumably during or after having sex with her.

hinji Mimura

*Played by: Takashi Tsukamoto
*Kills: None
*Killed by: (explosion)
*Weapon: HandgunAn intelligent athlete. His rebellious and freethinking tendencies were catalyzed by his uncle, a political activist. He joins up with Iijima and Yutaka, and the trio plans to destroy the school (along with Kitano and the other soldiers) using a truck filled with explosives, and thereby liberate the other students. However, before they can implement their plan, Kiriyama attacks them. After watching his friends die, Shinji decides to detonate the bomb. It kills him, and manages to blind Kiriyama.

Kyoichi Motobuchi

*Played by: Ryo Nitta
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Shogo Kawada
*Weapon: HandgunA booksmart, nerdy boy who cracks under the extreme stress of the situation. He exclaimsIm going to win this game and get into a good college!” He attacks Shuya and Noriko, but is killed by Kawada.

Kazuhiko Yamamoto

*Played by: Yasuomi Sano
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Self (suicide)
*Weapon: HeadbandOgawas boyfriend, she convinces him to commit suicide with her, rather than participate in the game. They jump off a cliff together.

Female Students

Mizuho Inada

*Played by: Tsuyako Kinoshita
*Kills: Kaori Minami
*Killed by: Kaori Minami
*Weapon: KnifeA girl who is best friends with Kaori. Ironically, they end up killing each other.

Yukie Utsumi

*Played by: Eri Ishikawa
*Kills: Satomi Noda
*Killed by: Satomi Noda
*Weapon: HandgunThe intelligent, charismatic class president. She gathers several girls and hides in an abandoned lighthouse. She has a crush on Shuya. After Shuya shows up, and the other girls begin to get suspicious and violent, she attempts to defuse the situation. Her attempts are in vain, and a gunfight starts, and she is mortally wounded by Satomi. As she dies, she manages to kill Satomi, and then curses the girls for being so stupid.

Megumi Eto

*Played by: Sayaka Ikeda
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: TaserNorikos best friend. She hides out in an abandoned house, and is found by Mitsuko. After lulling her into a false sense of security, Mitsuko slits Megumi's throat after they had a small run around in the house.

akura Ogawa

*Played by: Tomimi Shimaki
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Self (suicide)
*Weapon: NoneA headstrong young girl who refuses to participate in the game. She and her boyfriend Yamamoto kill themselves by jumping off a cliff.

Izumi Kanai

*Played by: Tamaki Mihara
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: Hand grenadeOne of the gang members that captures Kiriyama, she is killed by Kiriyama with a machine gun.

Yukiko Kitano

*Played by: Yukari Kanasawa
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: MegaphoneYumikos best friend. The two decide to call all of the students together, in an attempt to make peace. As they shout over a megaphone, several students notice them. Yukiko mentions that Yumiko has a crush on Shuya, and Yumiko attempts to take the megaphone away from her. At this point, Kiriyama creeps up behind them and mows them down with his machine gun. Yukiko dies instantly.Despite sharing the same surname, she is not related to the teacher Kitano.

Yumiko Kusaka

*Played by: Misao Kato
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kazuo Kiriyama
*Weapon: SwordYukikos best friend. The two decide to call all of the students together, in an attempt to make peace. As they shout over a megaphone, several students notice them. Yukiko mentions that Yumiko has a crush on Shuya, and Yumiko attempts to take the megaphone away from her. At this point, Kiriyama creeps up behind them and mows them down with his machine gun. Yumiko survives, but Kiriyama holds the megaphone against her mouth (so that others can hear her suffering) and shoots several more rounds into her stomach, killing her.

Kayoko Kotohiki

*Played by: Takayo Mimura
*Kills: Hiroki Sugimura
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: HandgunA shy girl whom Sugimura has a crush on, although she does not know it. She hides in an old warehouse for most of the game, but when Sugimura comes in to find her, she thinks that he is going to kill her, and shoots him. As Sugimura lays dying, he confesses his love for her. Realizing what shes done, she wonders aloud what to do. However, Mitsuko walks in and shoots her to death.

Yuko Sakaki

*Played by: Hitomi Hyuga
*Kills: Yuka Nakagawa
*Killed by: Self (suicide)
*Weapon: Poison (potassium cyanide)A quiet, troubled girl who witnesses Shuya accidentally killing Oki (although she interprets it differently). She later joins up with several other girls in an abandoned lighthouse. An injured Shuya is brought in, and Yuko is immediately suspicious. She attempts to poison his food, but the food is eaten by Yuka Nakagawa instead. Yuka dies, and the other girls soon start blaming each other, ending with a deadly gunfight. Yuko is the last girl to survive, and, feeling guilty, kills herself by throwing herself off the lighthouse and onto the rocks below.

Hirono Shimizu

*Played by: Anna Nagata
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: HandgunA rebellious girl who is friends with Mitsuko. Mitsuko, however, has stolen Hironos boyfriend, and has also killed Megumi, so Hirono decides to kill Mitsuko. Mitsuko, however, overpowers Hirono and kills her.

Haruka Tanizawa

*Played by: Satomi Ishii
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Satomi Noda
*Weapon: HandgunYukies friend and one of the girls that hides in the lighthouse. She blames Satomi for poisoning Yuka, and is later killed by Satomi in the gunfight.

Takako Chigusa

*Played by: Chiaki Kuriyama
*Kills: Kazushi Niida
*Killed by: Mitsuko Souma
*Weapon: JackknifeAn athletic girl who decides to practice running during the game. She runs into Niida, a boy she despises, who threatens to rape her and scars her face. She then attacks him with a knife, stabbing him several times in the crotch and chest, killing him. She is then shot several times by Mitsuko. She manages to get away, but she is mortally wounded. In her final moments she is found by Sugimura, her best friend (whom she has a crush on), who comforts her.

Mayumi Tendo

*Played by: Haruka Nomiyama
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Yoshio Akamatsu
*Weapon: UnrevealedA girl who bullies Noriko. She is killed by Akamatsu, who shoots an arrow through her neck.

Yuka Nakagawa

*Played by: Satomi Hanamura
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Yuko Sakaki
*Weapon: Machine GunAn energetic girl who hides in the lighthouse, she mistakenly eats poisoned food meant for Shuya. She coughs up blood and dies.Despite sharing the same surname, she is not related to Noriko Nakagawa.

atomi Noda

*Played by: Sayaka Kamiya
*Kills: Chisato Matsui, Haruka Tanizawa, Yukie Utsumi
*Killed by: Yukie Utsumi
*Weapon: ShotgunA paranoid girl who hides in the lighthouse. When Yuka is poisoned, she blames the other girls. She kills Chisato when she reaches for a gun, and then gets into a gunfight with Haruka and Yukie, killing both. However, in her final moments, Yukie shoots and kills Satomi.

Fumiyo Fujiyoshi

*Played by: Aki Inoue
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Kitano
*Weapon: N/AA girl who bullies Noriko. She is killed by Kitano (who throws a knife into her forehead) for whispering during the presentation.

Chisato Matsui

*Played by: Asami Kanai
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Satomi Noda
*Weapon: HandgunA girl who hides in the lighthouse. She is apparently a good cook. After Yukas poisoning, she sides with Satomi against Yukie. However, when Chisato reaches for a gun, Satomi shoots and kills Chisato.

Kaori Minami

*Played by: Mai Sekiguchi
*Kills: Mizuho Inada
*Killed by: Mizuho Inada
*Weapon: PickaxeA girl who is best friends with Inada. Ironically, they end up killing each other.

Yoshimi Yahagi

*Played by: Takako Baba
*Kills: None
*Killed by: Self (suicide)
*Weapon: Unrevealed (possibly rope)A rebellious girl who commits suicide by hanging herself, alongside her boyfriend Kuramoto.

Other Characters

Mai (Smiling Winner)

*Played by: Ai IwamuraA young girl who is a previous winner of Battle Royale. Her clothes are bloodstained, and she is clutching a doll. She smiles menacingly. "Note: Ai Iwamura performed "stand-in" roles for Satomi Ishii, Aki Maeda, Tamaki Mihara, and Anna Nagata for a scene; she "stood-in" for the roles of Haruka, Noriko, Izumi, and Hirono, respectively [] ."

hiori Kitano

*Played by: Ai MaedaKitanos daughter. She constantly insults him, and tells him not to come home. She is one of the main characters in Battle Royale II: Requiem.


*Played by: Minami HinaseKawadas late girlfriend. In a previous Battle Royale, the two are the last to survive. When they realize that only one can survive, lest both be killed, Keiko shoots Kawada. Kawada shoots Keiko in retaliation, mortally wounding her. She smiles and saysthank youas she dies, leaving a now confused Kawada, who didn't understand why she thanked him.

Training Video Girl

*Played by: Yuko MiyamuraThe overly perky instructor on the video that Kitano shows to the class. She outlines the rules of Battle Royale. Her overly cheery attitude is juxtaposed with the grim situation.

Masao Hayashida

*Played by: Ken NakaideThe studentsteacher. He is killed when he objects to the classselection.

Lieutenant Anjo

*Played by: Gou RyugawaA soldier who barks out orders and enforces the wishes of Kitano.

News Reporter

*Played by: Michiko YamamuraAn overly zealous reporter whose chief function is to provide exposition in the opening moments of the film. She is also used, like the Training Video Girl, to juxtapose an eager, excited tone with the grim situation.

huyas Father

*Played by: Takashi TaniguchiShuyas unstable father who commits suicide prior to the events of the film.

Bus Conductress

*Played by: Kanako FukauraA woman clad in purple and wearing a gas mask who collaborates in kidnapping the students. When Shuya wakes up unexpectedly, she knocks him unconscious with a club.

Mitsukos Mother

*Played by: Reiko Kataoka Mitsukos mother, who, in an attempt to get money for drugs, sells her daughter to a middle-aged man for sex. [Directors Cut only]

Middle-aged Man

*Played by: Taro SuwaA pedophile who gives Mistukos mother money for drugs, in exchange for being able to rape Mitsuko. Mitsuko pushes him down the stairs, killing him. [Directors Cut only]

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