- Length of a module
abstract algebra , the length of a module is a measure of the module's "size". It is defined as the length of the longest ascending chain ofsubmodule s and is a generalization of the concept of dimension forvector space s. The modules with "finite" length share many important properties with finite-dimensional vector spaces.Other concepts used to 'count' in ring and module theory are depth and height; these are both somewhat more subtle to define. There are also various ideas of "
dimension " that are useful. Finite length commutative rings play an essential role in functorial treatments of formal algebraic geometry.Definition
Let "M" be a (left or right) module over some ring "R". Given a chain of submodules of "M" of the form:N_0sub N_1 sub cdots sub N_nwe say that "n" is the "length" of the chain. The length of "M" is defined to be the largest length of any of its chains. If no such largest length exists, we say that "M" has infinite length.
A ring "R" is said to have finite length as a ring if it has finite length as left "R" module.
The zero module is the only one with length 0. Modules with length 1 are precisely the
simple module s.For every finite-dimensional vector space (viewed as a module over the base field), the length and the dimension coincide.
The length of the
cyclic group Z/"n"Z (viewed as a module over theinteger s Z) is equal to the number of prime factors of "n", with multiple prime factors counted multiple times.Facts
A module "M" has finite length if and only if it is both Artinian and Noetherian.
If "M" has finite length and "N" is a submodule of "M", then "N" has finite length as well, and we have length("N") ≤ length("M"). Furthermore, if "N" is a "proper" submodule of "M" (i.e. if it is unequal to "M"), then length("N") < length("M").
If the modules "M"1 and "M"2 have finite length, then so does their
direct sum , and the length of the direct sum equals the sum of the lengths of "M"1 and "M"2.Suppose:0 arr L arr M arr N arr 0is a
short exact sequence of "R"-modules. Then "M" has finite length if and only if "L" and "N" have finite length, and we have :length("M") = length("L") + length("N").(This statement implies the two previous ones.)A
composition series of the module "M" is a chain of the form:0=N_0sub N_1 sub cdots sub N_n=Msuch that:N_{i+1}/N_i mbox{ is simple for }i=0,dots,n-1Every finite-length module "M" has a composition series, and the length of every such composition series is equal to the length of "M".References
Steven H. Weintraub, "Representation Theory of Finite Groups" AMS (2003) ISBN 0821832220, 9780821832226
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