Dora Ratjen

Dora Ratjen
Dora Ratjen

Heinrich Ratjen (born Dora Ratjen, 20 November 1918 - 22 April 2008) was a German athlete who competed for Germany in the women's high jump at the 1936 Summer Olympics at Berlin, finishing fourth, but was later discovered to be male. In some newsmedia reports, he was erroneously referred to as Hermann Ratjen and Horst Ratjen.


Early life

A file containing the findings of an investigation conducted in 1938 and 1939 into Ratjen's life was made public by Der Spiegel in 2009.[1]

Ratjen was born in Erichshof, near Bremen, into a family described as "simple folk". The father, Heinrich Ratjen, stated in 1938: "When the child was born the midwife called over to me, 'Heini, it's a boy!' But five minutes later she said to me, 'It is a girl, after all.'" Nine months later, when the child, who had been christened Dora, was ill, a doctor examined the child's genitalia and, according to Heinrich, said "Let it be. You can't do anything about it anyway." Dora stated, also in 1938: "My parents brought me up as a girl [and] I therefore wore girl's clothes all my childhood. But from the age of 10 or 11 I started to realize I wasn't female, but male. However I never asked my parents why I had to wear women's clothes even though I was male."[1]

In her teens, Dora began competing successfully as a girl at sports, apparently being "too embarrassed to talk about what was happening to her". In 1936, she took part at the Olympics, one of her fellow competitors Gretel Bergmann stating: "I never had any suspicions, not even once... In the communal shower we wondered why she never showed herself naked. It was grotesque that someone could still be that shy at the age of 17. We just thought, 'She's strange. She's odd'... But no-one knew or noticed anything about her different sexuality."[1] In 1938, Ratjen competed at the European Athletics Championships, and won the gold medal with a world record jump of 1.67 m (5 ft 5.75 in).[2]

Gender revealed

On 21 September 1938, Dora took an express train from Vienna to Cologne. The conductor of the train reported to the police at the station in Magdeburg that there was "a man dressed as a woman" in the train. Ratjen was ordered out of the train and questioned by the police. He showed his genuine documents which said he was a woman, but after some hesitation, admitted to being a man, and told his story. A physician was summoned and after an examination pronounced Ratjen to be male. However, the physician described the genitalia as having a "coarse scarred stripe from the tip of the penis to the rear", and stated his opinion that with this organ sexual intercourse would be impossible.[1] This seems to describe an appearance similar to the result of a mika operation by Australian aboriginals[3] in which the male urethra is slit open along the penis. After birth a high degree of hypospadias on a micro-penis, plus cryptorchidism, may give to a midwife the impression of a vulva with a long clitoris - and the error may continue for many years, moreover if the intersexual escapes sound examination.

The athlete was arrested, and sent to Hohenlychen sports sanatorium for further tests, with the same results. Criminal proceedings continued until 10 March 1939, when the public prosecutor stated: "Fraud cannot be deemed to have taken place because there was no intention to reap financial reward." Dora promised the authorities he would "cease engaging in sport with immediate effect". The athlete's father, Heinrich Ratjen, initially insisted that Dora should continue to be treated as female, but on 29 March 1939 wrote to the police chief of Bremen: "Following the change of the registry office entry regarding the child's sex, I would request you change the child's first name to Heinrich." The gold medal won by Ratjen was returned and his name expunged from the records.[1]

Later life and confusion

According to Der Spiegel, Dora, now Heinrich Ratjen, who later called himself Heinz, was issued with new ID and work papers and taken to Hanover "as a working man". He later took over the running of his parents' bar, and refused requests for interviews before his death in 2008.[1]

However, in 1966, Time magazine reported that, in 1957, Dora had presented as Hermann, a waiter in Bremen, "who tearfully confessed that he had been forced by the Nazis to pose as a woman 'for the sake of the honor and glory of Germany'. Sighed Hermann: 'For three years I lived the life of a girl. It was most dull.'"[4]

In 2009, the movie Berlin 36 presented a fictionalised version of the story presented by Time magazine. In the version of Ratjen's story presented as background to the movie, the Nazis supposedly wanted to ensure that Hitler would not be embarrassed by a Jewish athlete winning a gold medal for Germany at the Olympics, and Gretel Bergmann was replaced in the team by Ratjen. In 1938, Ratjen was supposedly then disqualified after the European Championships when a doctor discovered that he had strapped up his genitals.[5] Asked for comment following the movie's release, Bergmann said she had "no idea" why Ratjen did what he did.[6]

Der Spiegel refuted the story set out by Time, Bergmann and the movie, stating:[1]

It's not clear if Time ever spoke to Ratjen. The information about him in the article is meager and imprecise, to say the least... Unfortunately this portrayal was the one that was circulated from that moment on, and repeated elsewhere in the press... For researchers and reporters who have looked into the Bergmann case and therefore also that of Ratjen, the story being served up for cinematic consumption simply doesn't match the facts. Experts who conducted background research for the movie have grave doubts. Sports writer Volker Kluge advised the makers of Berlin 36. His verdict is damning. "On the basis of the available documents, I think it is completely out of the question that the Nazis deliberately created Dora Ratjen as a 'secret weapon' for the Olympic Games."... Historian Berno Bahro wrote the book accompanying the film. He speaks of "clear deviations between reality and the cinematic representation"... He urged the filmmakers not to sell the movie as a "true story".

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Berg, Stefan (15 September 2009). "How Dora the Man Competed in the Woman's High Jump". Der Spiegel.,1518,649104,00.html. Retrieved 31 August 2010. 
  2. ^ "Dora Ratjen", Retrieved 31 August 2010
  3. ^ Van de Velde, Theodoor H. (1931), Fertility and Sterility in Marriage, Random House, p. 390
  4. ^ "Track & Field: Preserving la Difference", Time, 16 September 1966, retrieved 18 March 2011
  5. ^ Boyes, Roger "Berlin 36 tells how Nazis replaced Jewish woman athlete for man in drag", The Times (London), 3 September 2009, retrieved 18 March 2011
  6. ^ "The Jewish jumper and the male impostor", BBC News, 9 September 2009, retrieved 31 August 2010

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