carat — [ kara ] n. m. • 1355; it. carato, ar. qîrât « petit poids »; gr. keration « tiers d obole » 1 ♦ Chaque vingt quatrième d or fin contenu dans une quantité d or. Or à dix huit carats. 2 ♦ Métrol. Unité de mesure de masse valant 0,2 gramme,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
carat — CARÁT, carate, s.n. 1. Indice pentru conţinutul relativ în aur al aliajelor acestuia, egal cu a 24 a parte din masa totală. 2. Unitate de măsură a greutăţii pietrelor preţioase, egală cu 0,2 grame. [var.: carátă s.f.] – Din fr. carat. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Carat — Car at (k[a^]r [a^]t), n. [F. carat (cf. It. carato, OPg. quirate, Pg. & Sp. quilate), Ar. q[imac]r[=a]t bean or pea shell, a weight of four grains, a carat, fr. Gr. kera tion a little horn, the fruit of the carob tree, a weight, a carat. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
carat — car‧at [ˈkærət] noun [countable] 1. also karat a measurement used to show how pure gold is: • a 22 carat gold chain 2. a measurement equal to 200 Milligrams on the scale of measurement for the weight of jewels … Financial and business terms
Carat UK — is a leading independent British media agency based in Covent Garden, London. It currently holds the Media Week (a leading UK industry publication) award for Agency of the Year and it the only agency to retain this title for two years in a row.… … Wikipedia
carat — CARAT. s. m. Certain titre, certain degré de bonté et de perfection dans l or. Il ne se dit point des autres métaux. De l or à vingt carats, au vingt et unième carat. Il n y a point dans le commerce, d or à vingt quatre carats. f♛/b] On dit… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
cărat — CĂRÁT s.n. 1. Acţiunea de a (se) căra; transport de materiale (în cantitate mare). 2. Timpul când se cară fânul sau recolta. – v. căra. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CĂRÁT s. cărare, ducere, dus, purtare, transport, transportare … Dicționar Român
carat — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. carat measure of the fineness of gold (14c.), from It. carato, from Arabic qirat pod, husk, weight of 4 grains, from Gk. keration carob seed, lit. little horn dim. of keras horn (see KERATO (Cf. kerato )). Carob beans… … Etymology dictionary
carat — CARAT. s. m. Certain degré de bonté & de perfection de l or. Il ne se dit point des autres metaux. De l or à vingt carats, au vingt & uniéme carat. il n y a point d or à vingt quatre carats. On dit prov. & fig. qu Un homme est sot, est… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
carat — carat, caret Carat (AmE karat) is a measure of the purity of gold; caret is a mark (λ) for showing an insertion in printing or writing … Modern English usage