

Elektro-Mess-Technik (EMT) is a manufacturer of turntables and professional audio equipment founded by Wilhelm Franz. Born in Bremen in 1913, Franz founded his first firm, ‘Elektromesstechnik Wilhelm Franz K.G.’ in Berlin, in 1938; two years later Wilhelms brother, Walter, joined the company. The Allied bombing air raids over Berlin intensified in 1943 and Franz moved to Schuttertal, then, after 1945, to Lahr, in the Schwarzwald region of south-western Germany. The logo of an 'arrowhead' was chosen as a symbol of the passage of an electric signal in an electronic circuitry.

After the war Franz, in co-operation with theRundfunktechnisches Institut’, (‘Broadcasting Technique Institute’) directed by Dr. Ing. Walter Kuhl, designed the927 Large Studio turntable'. Introduced in 1951, the 927 is an impressive machine, outstanding in size (being 67 cms wide, 52 deep and 21.5 high) and performance. Its enormous main platter (44cm!) was necessary to play 16acetate records and it was driven by a very large electric motor through a sturdy idler-wheel system. Additionally it could play the 33 1/3 rpm 12Long-Playing records and 745 rpm (RCA-standard) discs. The Danish firm Ortofon provided the tonearm for the 927 (‘RF-297’) and the first magnetic pickup officially installed by EMT on their turntables. A stroboscope engraved around the acrylic outer platter allowed the fine tune of the 927s speed and its quick-start arrangement allowed a remarkably short starting time of less than 500 milliseconds at 33rpm, an astounding feat at the time. The 927 was built in different versions, the927A’, with an optical indicator of the position of the stylus on the grooves, the927D’, a special reference version built with special care and very close tolerances for laboratory use, whilst the927Fcould accommodate a second tonearm behind the platter, and927stwas, of course, the stereo version.

The 12disc gradually became the standard source of pre-recorded music and the 16record disappeared. When the 44cms platter of the 927 was no more a "conditio sine qua non" for professional use EMT decided that it was possible to create a smaller but equally excellent brother to the927: the930 Studio turntable', introduced in 1956.

[http://www.stefanopasini.it/EMT%20930-15048.htm EMT 930st]

The930is a large machine as well (49x39x17.5 centimeters), that maintains all the functional characteristics of the larger brother in a more compact package. Its very sturdy cast-metal frame, ‘"Kunststoff’" (Bakelite) main board and idler-wheel drive to the internal rim of its heavy platter gives it peerless sonic qualities. The drive system, start/stop system, brake and speed control are exactly as on the 927. Its bearing, though of a slightly reduced diameter than the 927s, is on par for quality, and it is awetbearing too: it contains 25 cc of special EMT oil, that must be changed every time the turntable is serviced. The preamplifier of the monophonic 930 was the tube139’. The quality and reliability of the EMT machines became rapidly legendary and the 'arrowhead' logo became a symbol of German engineering at its best in professional studio audio equipment, the only possible choice for top radio stations and the phonographic industry.

With its more reasonable size, the930was somewhat more economical to build than the927’, making it a very interesting turntable even for smaller studios, but EMT was not building only exceptionally good (and extremely expensive) machines. In 1957 it began the production of another machine that would become a realbest-seller’, the140Reverberation Unit. Developed, like theR80turntable, in co-operation with theRundfunktechnisches Institut’, the140was one of EMTs best products and remained in production for 25 years.

In 1958, the sound-reproduction world was shaken by the introduction of stereo, and 927s and 930s were quickly adapted to the new system with stereo cartridges, appropriate rewiring of the tonearm and the new stereo preamplifier139st’; it was phased out of production when the more modern solid-state155starrived, in 1960. In that same year, Studer and EMT began to cooperate officially in the professional sound sector, the German firm becoming a distributor for many world markets of the excellent Swiss equipment. The success of this company, directed by Eugene Sporri since 1962, is driven by the Studer C37 and Revox B36/D36 tube recorders. In the same period, the German firm printed the first issue of its fabledbulletin’, namedEMT-Kurierin the German edition, ‘EMT-Courierin the English one. 46 issues were printed; they are amongst the more treasured printed items for the EMT collector and student.

Wilhelm Franz, having judiciously expanded his factory (in 1963, the fabledEMT-Gerätewerkin Lahr-Kuhbach, directed by Franzs brother Walter, employed more than 200 workers), was also following his other firms:Elektromesstechnik Wilhelm Franz KG-LahrsoldLoopmatic’, ‘Vid-E-ditand Studer products in Germany and the rest of the world, ‘EMT-Wilhelm Franz GmbH Wettingendistributed EMT products only in Switzerland, ‘Studer-Franz AG Wettingensold Studer products out of their home country, ‘Thorens-Franz AGwas the distributor for Thorens for the whole world. In the following years, while Studer/Revox developed their own distribution network (one part of whom originated fromEMT-Wettingen’), Franz slowly tightened its relations with Thorens until, in 1966, he bought a majority stake in the firm. The production of their excellent turntable was then relocated from Wettingen to Lahrs Gerätewerk (Germanys labor cost was far lower than Switzerlands, though quality was on par). It was also this close co-operation that carried, in 1969, to the birth of the first EMT tonearm, the fabulous929’ (introduced in 1971 on the new928and, since July of the same year, on the930st’), loosely based on Thorens' 9” ‘TP-14’/BTP-12Sarms. The 10long 929 replaced the OrtofonRF229/RMA229’, while thelongversion of the 929, the 12” ‘997for the927’, arrived in 1974 and replaced theRF297/RMA297Ortofon.

In 1968, to try to fight the mounting tide of Japanese turntables, it was decided to try todiversifythe range of professional turntables, and the result of this attempt was theEMT 928’. It was based on the excellent ThorensTD125’, using its bearing, stroboscope, platter/subplatter arrangement and two-part sturdy chassis: both were designed and developed in the laboratories of the Gerätewerk. EMT modified the electronics, fitted their own RIAA -curve compensating circuitry and preamplifier, stiffened the suspension of the main chassis.

The 928, that used the new 929 tonearm, was the last EMT turntable to appear under the management of Wilhelm Franz, who died in date April 10th, 1971, at the age of 58 years. Franz had been a towering figure in the audio field for three decades and the main responsible of the development of some of the best equipment in the professional field of its time: the loss of this great personality had a devastating effect on EMT. The Audio Engineering Society awarded him a posthumous Honorary Membership in 1983, recognizing his impact in the professional sound field not only for his magnificent turntables but also for other excellent products like the reverberation units140’, ‘240and250’. Then the company moved its headquarters in a completely new, 35.000 square meters factory with a tidy two-storey building in Kippenheim, Wilhelm-Franz-Strasse 1. Following this expansive trend, EMT enlarged the new premises in 1976 and 1984. In 1978, the name of the firm was changed again, this time becomingEMT-FRANZ GmbH’.

Direct-Drive turntables were changing the habits of radio professionals; a rigid coupling between the motor and the platter was desirable for quick starts and stops, though, so, as the idler-wheel concept was beginning to look old-fashioned, EMT followed the example of Nationals splendid SP-10 and proceeded to build a direct drive turntable, possibly the best one ever: the950 Schallplatten-Wiedergabe-Maschine’.

Introduced in 1976, the EMT 950 is a formidable machine indeed. Built without any compromise in matters of cost, weight, size and aesthetics, it was introduced in two types, ‘Standard’, (‘950’, 693 millimeters wide) with controls on the left side of the disc, and aNarrowline Model’ (‘950 EorSchmale Ausführung’, 519 mm wide, 573 mm deep, introduced at the end of 1977) conceived for less spacious studios; thenarrowline950 had the same controls, but its pushbuttons were all lined up in the front panel. Starting time at 33 rpm was 200 milliseconds, and, just pushing a button, the record would rotate backwards to find the beginning of a track: the user could monitor the cueing with the inbuilt speaker. Both machines could be mounted on their ownlegsor in a console; the shock absorber frame was built-in. In stock form, whichever the cabinet, the950had three speeds (33, 45 and 78 rpm) with automatic selection of 33 or 45 at the raising of the central adapter for the smaller records, a929arm in stock aluminium finish with brass or black counterweight and aTSD15’ "Tondose" with4 150 056transformers on the equalizer board7 950 038or7 950 088board (‘9 950 110ornarrow’ ‘9 950 210’). It was possible to order a tailor-made 950 to suit any professional need, provided that the customer could pay the extremely high prices of this machine. In 1976, 15.000 Deutsche Marks was the basic list price of a 950.

To meet the needs of less affluent stations, EMT introduced in 1979 a new model, based on the same principles as the950: the948 Broadcast turntable'. It had direct drive, sophisticated electronics and a929tonearm, but in a much more compact envelope. Its Perspex dust cover featured agroovewhere the DJ could put the cover as a handy reminder of the record that was being played. Basically, its design owed much to the superb construction of the950’, and its sturdy metallic chassis was filled, under the deck, by a neat stack of boards carrying the electronic circuitry allowing an easy, quick access for service or repair. Though somewhat simplified if compared to the mighty950’, the948had the same illuminated pushbuttons, a wise choice of speeds and the reverse rotation of the record for cueing. After a first series, a green synchro light was fitted at the lower right edge of the platter to indicate the reaching of the nominal rotational speed. The external illuminationpodwas available as an option, and was mounted on the left near side of the deck.

The948cost around DM 12.000 and was therefore still too expensive for many professional users. (For many customers in faraway countries, it was also too much complicated, so EMT continued the production of the930until 1982.) An even smaller and cheaper unit was designed and introduced in March, 1982: the938’ ‘Broadcast Disk Reproducerfeatured a simplified direct-drive and electronics, it was slimmer and cheaper than its two brothers and some of its parts, like the plinth and lid, were taken from commercialhi-fiproducts. The 938 had been designed in co-operation with Thorens, and a modified version of the 938 was marketed by this firm as theTD 524’, a discotheque-oriented deck that could be equipped with a ThorensTP 16Lor even the EMT929tonearm.

In 1985, the TSD 15 cartridge was improved, fitting an ellipticalsuper fineline stylusin place of the original conical one. Unfortunately, the writing was on the wall for the vinyl LPs and for the turntables built for them; the arrival of the 5Compact Disc, in 1982, made an irreversible impact on the pro world. EMT began to produce CD-players as well (the first, in 1987, was the EMT 980, followed by the981and then the wonderful982’), but in 1988 sales of CDs overcame the sale of LPs for the first time in history, and the CD/LP ratio had been declining since then with the definitive disappearance of the LP from the mass market. This left little choice: at the end of the Eighties the last EMT 950 rolled off the factory in Kippenheim, and this closed, irreversibly, an era.

EMT was bought by the renowned Belgian firm Barco and becameBarco-EMTsince January 1st, 1989. The professional audio products were gradually dismissed and not replaced; it has been bought by a renowned builder of high-end audio products.

Nowadays, EMT turntables are very sought-after as superbly-engineered machines with sonic qualities that will please even the most hardened audiophile. The early, larger idler-wheel machines (927, 930) are still considered amongst the best turntables ever built: this speaks volumes about the quality of the design that Wilhelm Franz created nearly 60 years ago.

Current products including the "Tondose".

External links

* http://www.stefanopasini.it/My%20Turntables-EMT-Thumbs.htm
* http://www.jpvanvliet.nl
* http://www.emt-studiotechnik.de/
* http://www.toneimports.com/emt/emthome.html
* Article in Sound Practices - EMT 930/927 turntables [http://www.classicaudio.ru/articles/jacobi_emt.pdf]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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