Jude(the accurate name is 'JUDE' from Professional and Community edition.) is a UML Modeling tool created by the Japanese company [http://www.change-vision.com/index_en.html ChangeVision] (a related company of [http://www.esm.co.jp/ Eiwa System Management] and [http://www.mzoshd.com/ Mamezou OS Holdings Co.,Ltd] ). The 'Community' version (a.k.a. 'Take' version for releases before 1.4) is free to use and offers the following functionality:

#Support of UML1.4 (part of UML 2.0 expression in commercial version JUDE/Professional.)
#Class diagram (Object, Package, Subsystem and Robustness Diagrams are included.)
#Usecase Diagram
#Sequence Diagram
#Collaboration Diagram
#Statechart Diagram
#Activity Diagram
#Deployment Diagram
#Component Diagram
#Generate Java 1.4 source code from model.
#Import Java 1.4 source files to create model.

JUDE is an acronym of Java and UML Developers' Environment.

Because there is freeware version of JUDE, Number of JUDE users is 120000 at least in all over the world at October 30th in 2006.

JUDE received the "Software Product Of The Year 2006" prize, established by IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan) [http://www.ipa.go.jp/about/press/pdf/061006Press.pdf] .The reason IPA choose JUDE is as follows. Many of the software development tool which is used in the world are manufactured in E.U. or U.S.A. But JUDE is made in Japan. Then IPA can appraise the possibility of the Japanese software industry.

[http://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/community.html JUDE/Community]

Based on the concept of "Usable from the moment of installation", the modeling features of JUDE/Community have been designed to be simple and user friendly.

[http://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/professional.html JUDE/Professional]

JUDE/Professional is the product version of JUDE with all the features of JUDE/Community plus additional enhancements. It has enriched features, such as input-output and diagram creation guidance. It is suitable for business use, large-sized models, and document creation.A 20-day free trial is available by obtaining an [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/showLicenseButton.do Evaluation License] .
# [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/professional.html#merge Merge JUDE Projects]
# [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/professional.html#usecase UseCase Descriptions]
#UseCase Description Templates
# [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/professional.html#eriksson_penker Eriksson-Penker Process Diagram]
# [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/professional.html#xml Model Input-Output function from/to XML]
# [https://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/product/mindmap.html Mindmaps]
#ER diagram

* [http://www.componentsource.com/Catalog.asp?PO=516190&option=14951&bhcp=1 JUDE at ComponentSource]

JUDE/Professional began to support the part of diagrams' expressions of UML2.0 from version 3.0.

*Navigable Association (Class Diagram, UseCase Diagram, Deployment Diagram)
*Required Interface (Class Diagram) (from version 3.1)
*Provided Interface (Class Diagram)
*CombinedFragment (Sequence Diagram)
*InteractionUse (Sequence Diagram)
*FoundMessage (Sequence Diagram)
*LostMessage (Sequence Diagram)
*StateInvariant (Sequence Diagram)
*Vertical and Horizontal Partitions (Activity Diagram)
*Component Diagram (from version 3.1)
*Composite Structure Diagram (from version 3.1)

And JUDE/Professional supports also ER diagram from version 3.2.


How JUDE started.

JUDE development was originally started by Kenji Hiranabe, CEO of Change Vision, Inc, in 1996, around the time that UML, Java and some design patterns began appearing. He sensed that a radical UML tool for Object-Oriented Development was going to be in demand in the future and this idea spurred him to start creating JUDE. He gathered volunteer engineers in Eiwa System Management Inc, for whom he was working at the time; and they developed it in their free time as a non money making venture. JUDE was born out of their passion for creation. JUDE was originally named JOMT.

The permeation as freeware and the commercialization of JUDE.

JUDE started to be provided as a free software in 1999. Then 5 years later, it reached the decision to start selling JUDE in a market. This decision came from the background that there were some UML modeling tools in overseas but they were a bit high price and also the idea that we would get more feedbacks from Japanese users and could evolve JUDE more based on them if we put JUDE out on the market.

As for these facts, Hiranabe himself expressed in an interview in the Japanese web sight [http://www.promane.jp/career/2005/09/000157.html The Project Managers on 2005 September 22nd] managed by IT Innovation Inc,.


'Matsu','Take' and 'Ume' are the traditional words which display the class of the product and the service in Japan. Early JUDE was called "Jude/Ume". Depending upon big version rise, the name became "Jude/Take". And, the development code name of JUDE/Professional and JUDE/Community was "Jude/Matsu".

ee also

*UML tool
*List of UML tools
*Mind map

External links

* [http://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/index.html Jude Homepage]
* [http://www.componentsource.com/Catalog.asp?PO=516190&option=14951&bhcp=1 JUDE at ComponentSource]
* [http://www.objectsbydesign.com/tools/umltools_byCompany.html Objects by Design UML Modeling Tools]
* [http://www.jeckle.de/umltools.htm Unified Modeling Language (UML) Tools]
* [http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~rlawrenc/teaching/144/design.html Designing Databases using UML]
* [http://www.portaljava.com/ Portal Java]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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