Preußens Gloria

Preußens Gloria

Preußens Gloria, Armeemarschsammlung II, 240, is a well-known military march of the 19th century. Its composer was Johann Gottfried Piefke (1817-1884).

"Preußens Gloria" ("The Glory of Prussia" or "Prussia's Glory") was written in 1871 after the Kingdom of Prussia's victory in the Franco-Prussian War, which led to the unification of Germany. For the victory parade of the returned troops the march was performed for the first time in public in Frankfurt (Oder), the base of Piefke's garrison.

As Piefke only performed it on important occasions, the march was unknown to a broader public for a long time. In 1909 the manuscript of the almost forgotten tune turned up and was reworked by army-musical inspector Prof. Grawert. Shortly afterwards it was included in the collection of Prussian army marches.

Today it is one of the most known German army marches. It is often played by the Bundeswehr on official ceremonies and state visits. It also is a standard tune in many international military bands. In Germany it is often played by non-professional bands due to its popularity. It has also been adopted by units in other armies, for example by the First Squadron, Honourable Artillery Company.

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