Adashino Nembutsu-ji

Adashino Nembutsu-ji

thumb|250px|right|Statuesat Adashino NembutsujiAdashino Nembutsuji (化野念仏寺) is a Buddhist temple in
Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan. In 811 Kūkaiis said to have founded a temple, then Honen alteredto present Nenbutsuji.Situated high on a hill overlooking the city from the northwest, itsits in an area where since Heian period people abandoned the bodiesexposing to the wind and rain. Now, some eight thousand Buddhismstatuettes, collected around 1903 then scattering around Adashino,memorialize the souls of the dead.


*17, Adashino-chō, Saga-Toriimoto, Ukyō-ku, Kyoto
*Kyoto Bus (not Kyoto CityBus) Toriimoto Stop: 5 minutes walk

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