Nadia Cavalera

Nadia Cavalera

Nadia Cavalera (Galatone, Lecce, September 20, 1950) is a novelist, poet and literary critic.



She attended the Liceo Classico "Palmieri" de Lecce and earned a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy in the Università di Lecce, with the thesis "Democrazia e socialismo nel giovane Marx".

She started her political activity in PCI when she was 20 years old. She worked in Brindisi for 12 years and since 1988, she has lived and worked as a teacher in Modena.

She founded Brindisi's first entirely literary magazine. Since 1990, she and the poet Edoardo Sanguineti are the directors of Bollettario, a four-monthly publication about literature and literary criticism of the cultural association "Le avanguardie", which proposes an avant-garde philosophy that can be permanent, non-elitist and open to the concept of umafeminità (a mix of uomo, man and feminità, femininity, a concept which sees men and women as equal despite their differences).

In 2005, she founded the literary prize Premio Alessandro Tassoni.



  • I palazzi di Brindisi – Schena, Fasano, 1986
  • Nottilabio - Roma, La città della luna, 1995


  • Vita Novissima, Modena, Bollettariolibri, 1992
  • Americanata, Modena, Bollettariolibri, 1993
  • Ecce Femina, Napoli, Altri termini, 1994
  • Brogliasso , Modena, Gheminga, 1996
  • Salentudine , Venezia, Marsilio, 2004
  • Superrealisticallegoricamente, Roma, Fermenti, 2005; Premio L'Aquila - Carispaq.

Wordvisual works

  • Imprespressioni, 1970
  • Adriana, 1972
  • Golphe de Genes, 1975
  • Sospensioni, 1980
  • Amsirutuf: enimma , 1988
  • I prestanomi: uomini senza, 1993
  • La città della luna, 1997


  • Superrealismo allegorico, Modena, 1993
  • Superrealismo allegorico, Modena,1995
  • Superrealismo allegorico, Modena,1997
  • Superrealismo allegorico, Modena,1999

Books about artists

  • Il capo: lavoro, romanzo senza parole, 1991
  • Stundaia, 1995


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