

Infobox German Location
type = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen starnberg.pnglat_deg = 47 |lat_min = 59 |lat_sec = 50
lon_deg = 11 |lon_min = 20 |lon_sec = 26
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberbayern
Landkreis = Starnberg
Höhe = 588
Fläche = 61.77
Einwohner = 22959
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 82319
Vorwahl = 08151
Kfz = STA
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Ferdinand Pfaffinger
Partei = "Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft"

Starnberg is a town in Bavaria, Germany, located south west of the city of Munich and situated on Lake Starnberg, in the heart of the "Five Lakes Country" [German: "Fünf Seen Land": the lakes are the Starnberger See, the Ammersee, the Wörthsee, the Pilsensee and the Wesslinger See] , a popular destination for day-trippers from Munich. It is the capital of the district of Starnberg.

In 2007, recording a disposable per capita income of26,120, Starnberg regained its status as the wealthiest town in Germany from the Frankfurt suburb of Hochtaunus.


The town was first mentioned in 1226 under the name of "Aheim am Würmsee" [until 1962 the name of Lake Starnberg] .

Main sights

* Starnberger Schloss (Castle) with the castle garden
* St. Joseph's Church

People associated with Starnberg

* Oskar Maria Graf, the socially conscious writer, was born in Aufkirchen near Starnberg in 1894. He fought for the Bavarian Soviet Republic (or "Räterepublik") in Munich in 1919. He fled his homeland in 1938 with his Jewish wife for the U.S.A., when National Socialism gripped Germany. Graf was never fully able to adjust to life in the United States or, more to the point, away from his homeland, Bavaria.
* The Austrian writer Gustav Meyrink was a resident of Starnberg from 1911 until his death in 1932 and is buried in the local cemetery.
* King Ludwig II of Bavaria mysteriously drowned in Lake Starnberg at the small town of Berg nearby, on the evening of 13 June 1886.
* The philosopher and sociologist Jurgen Habermas has long lived in Starnberg.
* Formula 1 driver Adrian Sutil was born in Starnberg.


External links

* [ Starnberg information]
* [ Starnberger See - Lake Starnberg]
* [ Starnberg official website]
* [ Five Lakes Country tourist information]

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