Spektrum RC

Spektrum RC

Spektrum is brand of radio control systems designed for use with hobby radio-controlled cars and aircraft. Spektrum is a division of Horizon Hobby.

Hobby RC typically employs FM radio control in HF and VHF bands such as 27 MHz, 49 MHz, and 72 MHz. Spektrum systems are distinguished in that they use Spread Spectrum technology on the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Spektrum refers to their technology as "Digital Spectrum Modulation."

Because of the relatively low noise in the ISM band, and the noise immunity inherent in DSSM systems, Spektrum DSM is said to be free of "glitching" (momentary corrupted or missing signals which can cause erratic movement or loss of control). Additionally, the system "binds" each transmitter to its particular receiver, ensuring that no transmitter will interfere with other nearby Spektrum DSM systems.

The [http://www.spektrumrc.com/ official site] lists the company's products and describes Spektrum's DSM technology.

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