George Johnstone Stoney

George Johnstone Stoney

George Johnstone Stoney (February 15, 1826 – July 5, 1911) was an Anglo-Irish physicist most famous for introducing the term "electron" as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity". He had introduced the concept, though not the word, as early as 1874 and 1881, and the word came in 1891. [ [ Stoney Uses the Term Electron ] at] [cite book|author=Jammer, Max |title=Concepts of Force - A Study of the Foundations of Dynamics|location=New York | publisher=Dover Publications, Inc.|year=1956|id=ISBN 0-486-40689-X] [Stoney, G.J. (1881). "On the Physical Units of Nature." "Phil. Mag." [5] 11, 384.] He published around seventy-five scientific papers during his lifetime.

Life Background

Stoney was born on 15 February, 1826 at Oak Park, near Birr, County Offaly, in the Irish midlands. He attended Trinity College, Dublin, graduating with a B.A. in 1848 and an M.A. in 1852. In 1848 he became an assistant to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse at Birr Castle, County Offaly, where Parsons had built the world's largest telescope, the 72-inch Leviathan of Parsonstown.

In 1852, Stoney became Professor of Natural Philosophy at Queen's College Galway (now the National University of Ireland, Galway). In 1857, he moved to Dublin as Secretary of the Queen's University. He subsequently became superintendent of Civil Service Examinations in Ireland, a post he held until his retirement in 1893. In that year, he took up residence in London. Stoney died on 5 July, 1911 at his home in Notting Hill, London.

Scientific Work

Stoney published seventy-five scientific papers in a variety of journals, making significant contributions to cosmic physics and to the theory of gases. He estimated the number of molecules in a cubic millimetre of gas, at room temperature and pressure, from data obtained from the kinetic theory of gases. Stoney's most important scientific work was the conception and calculation of the magnitude of the "atom of electricity". In 1891, he proposed the term 'electron' to describe the fundamental unit of electrical charge, and his contributions to research in this area laid the foundations for the eventual discovery of the particle by J.J. Thomson in 1897.

The Stoney Scale

Contemporary physics has settled on the Planck scale as the most suitable scale for a unified theory. The Planck scale was however anticipated by George Stoney [Stoney G. On The Physical Units of Nature, Phil.Mag.11,381-391,1881] . Like Planck after him, Stoney realized that large-scale effects such as gravity and small-scale effects such as electromagnetism naturally imply an intermediate scale where physical differences might be rationalized. This intermediate scale comprises units (Stoney units)) of mass, length, time etc., yet mass is the cornerstone.

The Stoney mass m_S (expressed in contemporary terms):

:m_S=sqrt{frac{e^2}{4 pi epsilon_0 G = sqrt{alpha} m_P

where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, "e" is the elementary charge and "G" is the gravitational constant, and where α is the fine-structure constant and "mP" is the Planck mass.

Like the Planck scale, the Stoney scale functions as a symmetrical link between microcosmic and macrocosmic processes in general and yet it appears uniquely oriented towards the unification of electromagnetism and gravity . Thus for example whereas the Planck length is the mean square root of the reduced Compton wavelength and half the gravitational radius of any mass, the Stoney length is the mean square root of the 'electromagnetic radius' (see Classical electron radius) and half the gravitational radius of any mass, "m":

:l_P=sqrt{frac{hbar}{m c}.frac{G m}{c^2

:l_S=sqrt{frac{e^2}{4 pi epsilon_0 m c^2}.frac{G m}{c^2

where hbar is the reduced Planck's constant and "c" is the speed of light. It should be noted however that these are only mathematical constructs since there must be some practical limit to how small a length can get. If the Stoney length is the minimum length then either a body's electromagnetic radius or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility, since one of these must be smaller than the Stoney length. If Planck length is the minimum then either a body's reduced Compton wavelength or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility since one of these must be smaller than the Planck length. Moreover, the Stoney length and Planck length cannot both be the minimum length.

According to contemporary convention, Planck scale is the scale of vacuum energy, below which space and time do not retain any physical significance. This prescription mandates a general neglect of the Stoney scale within the scientific community today. Previous to this mandate, Hermann Weyl made a notable attempt to construct a unified theory by associating a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length. Weyl's theory led to significant mathematical innovations but his theory is generally thought to lack physical significance [O'Raifeartaigh L. The Dawning of Gauge Theory, Princeton Uni Press, 1997] [Gorelik G. 'Herman Weyl and Large Numbers in Relativistic Cosmology', Einstein Studies in Russia, Ed Balashov Y. and Vizgin V., Boston (Birkhaeuser)2002] .


Craters on Mars and the Moon are named in his honour.

Stoney was the uncle of the Anglo-Irish physicist George FitzGerald. The two were in regular communication on scientific matters. In addition both Stoney and FitzGerald were active opponents of Home Rule for Ireland, regarding the spirit of Home Rule and later Irish nationalism as contrary to the spirit of science as they saw it. Stoney was also distantly related to Alan Turing.

Stoney married his cousin and resided on Stoney Road, Dundrum, Dublin, which was named in his honour. After Stoney died in London, his cremated ashes were buried in Dundrum, Dublin.

ee also

*Planck units



*Alex Keller: The Infancy of Atomic Physics. Hercules in His Cradle, Oxford University 1983. ISBN 0-19-853904-5

External links

* [ Of the "Electron", or Atom of Electricity] - by G. J. Stoney, Philosophical Magazine, Series 5, Volume 38, p. 418-420, October 1894

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  • Stoney, George Johnstone — ▪ Irish physicist born Feb. 15, 1826, Oakley Park, King s County, Ire. died July 5, 1911, London, Eng.       physicist who introduced the term electron for the fundamental unit of electricity.       In 1848 Stoney became assistant to the… …   Universalium

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