Ptasie mleczko

Ptasie mleczko

"To be distinguished from "Lapte de pasăre", a Romanian dessert."

Ptasie mleczko (Polish) or Птичье молоко (Ptichye Moloko) (Russian) (translated as "bird's milk""Candy That's Dandy". Rick Kogan. Chicago Tribune. MAGAZINE; ZONE: C; SIDEWALKS.; Pg. 6. February 11, 2001.] ) is a kind of Polish and Russian confection. They are chocolate covered marshmallow/soufflé type candies made of milk.

Development in Poland

In Poland, E. Wedel Company first developed its "ptasie mleczko" in the 1930s. ["Dear Valentine". The Warsaw Voice. January 31, 2007. A2007021256-13D17-GNW.]

Development in Russia

In Russia, Ptichye Moloko was first a type of candy made in the 1975 by the Krasny Oktyabr (Red October) factory."Ptichye Moloko." Michele A. Berdy, Special to The Moscow Times. The Moscow Times. February 1, 2007.] "Cake Weighs Heavily in Russian Life." Viktoria Mitlyng. The Moscow Times. No. 1213. May 22, 1997.] Later, Vladimir Guralnik, "the head of the confectionery shop at the Praga restaurant in Moscow" attempted to make the candy into a cake. The cake -- "light sponge cake filled with Guralnik's ethereal souffle and topped with chocolate glaze" -- was first sold in Russia in 1978. Due to lack of intellectual property laws at the time, the recipe quickly became picked up by others and many other restaurants in Moscow - Moskva, Budapest and Ukraina - started making the cake. In the 1980s, "the food ministry had to build a Ptichye Moloko factory in Novye Cheryomushky in south Moscow." As recently as 2007, however, Guralnik was still in charge of the Praga restaurant.


External links

* [ A Russian Fairy Tale Cake]
* []

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