Comité Européen des Assurances

Comité Européen des Assurances

Comité Européen des Assurances (CEA) is the European insurance and reinsurance federation. [1] Through its 33 member bodiesthe national insurance associationsthe CEA represents all types of insurance and reinsurance undertakings, eg pan-European companies, monoliners, mutuals and SMEs. The CEA, which is based in Brussels, represents undertakings that account for around 95% of total European premium income.[2] Insurance makes a major contribution to Europes economic growth and development. European insurers generate premium income of over1 050bn, employ one million people and invest more than6 800bn in the economy.[3]

The CEA is the voice of the European insurance industry at European and international level. The CEA is a fair and reliable partner and a contact point for Institutions of the European Union, politicians and supervisors. The CEA provides services to the European and International institutions to the benefit of its members. In the regulatory process the CEA represent the common interests of European insurers by developing, promoting, defending, illustrating and lobbying industry positions that are supported by technical research and expertise. Through government lobby, public affairs, industry forums and issue management, it contributes to achieve a positive political, social, business and economic environment.

The CEA provides the infrastructure for an exchange information and experience between members. The CEA plays a supporting role in relation to its members and provides information and guidance on issues of interest to the European insurance sector. The CEA promotes trust and confidence in the European insurance industry.[4]


The CEA, from 1953 to now

The CEA was founded in 1953. Its aim was to monitor the works of the OECD in Paris. Later CEA shifted its attention and activities to the European arena, thus adapting to the power structures resulting from the foundation of the European Community and its more recent evolution into the European Union.

The CEA has grown from 18 members in 1953 to its current 33 national member associations.

The CEA's mission statement

The CEAs mission is:

  • To draw attention to issues of strategic interest to all European insurers and reinsurers in a sustainable manner.
  • To raise awareness of insurers' and reinsurers' roles in providing insurance protection and security to the community as well as in contributing to economic growth and development.
  • To promoteas the expert and representative voice of the insurance industrya competitive and open market to the benefit of the European consumer as well as corporate clients.[5]


  1. ^ The CEA website:
  2. ^ The CEA's "European InsuranceKey Facts" publication available at
  3. ^ The CEA's "European Insurance in Figures" publication available at
  4. ^ The CEA's mission statement at
  5. ^ The CEA's mission statement at

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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