Object Definition Language

Object Definition Language

Object Definition Language (ODL) is the specification language defining the interface to object types conforming to the ODMG Object Model. Often abbreviated by the acronym ODL.

This language's purpose is to define the structure of an Entity-relationship diagram.



Class declarations

Interface < name > { elements = attributes, relationships, methods }

Element Declarations

attributes ( < type > : < name > );

relationships ( < rangetype > : < name > );


  Type Date Tuple {year, day, month}
  Type year, day, month integer
  Class Manager
     attributes(id : string unique
                name : string
                phone : string
                set employees : Tuple { [Employee], Start_Date : Date })
  Class Employee
     attributes(id : string unique
                name : string
                Start_Date : Date
                manager : [Manager])

See also

  • ODMG – Object Data Management Group
  • OQL – Object Query Language

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