fromage frais — ► NOUN ▪ a type of smooth soft fresh cheese. ORIGIN French, fresh cheese … English terms dictionary
fromage frais — /fromˈäzh frā or frōˈmäzh fre/ noun A light creamy cheese with a consistency similar to thick yoghurt, sold in tubs ORIGIN: Fr, literally, fresh cheese … Useful english dictionary
fromage frais — [[t]frɒmɑːʒ fre͟ɪ[/t]] N VAR (fromage frais is both the singular and the plural form.) Fromage frais is a thick, creamy dessert that is made from milk and often flavoured with fruit. A fromage frais is a small pot of fromage frais … English dictionary
Fromage frais — La maquée es un queso fresco (fromage frais en francés) de la gastronomía belga, y en menor medida del norte de Francia. Características Es un queso que se elabora como tal, con el cuajo y las levaduras que se añaden a la leche. Pero al contrario … Wikipedia Español
fromage frais — šviežias sūris statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Sūris, kuris tinka vartoti nebrandintas. atitikmenys: angl. fresh cheese; uncured cheese; unripened cheese vok. Frischkäse rus. свежый сыр pranc. fromage frais ryšiai: sinonimas … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
fromage frais — /frɒmaʒ ˈfreɪ/ (say fromahzh fray) noun a cheese made from milk and a culture, similar in texture to yoghurt. Also, fromage blanc /frɒmaʒ ˈblɒŋk/ (say fromahzh blongk). {French: fresh cheese} …
fromage frais — from|age frais [ˌfrɔma:ʒ ˈfreı US frəˌma:ʒ ] n [U] BrE [Date: 1900 2000; : French; Origin: fresh cheese ] a thick creamy food made from milk and similar to ↑yoghurt … Dictionary of contemporary English
fromage frais — from|age frais [ frou,maʒ freı ] noun uncount a soft smooth white cheese used like YOGURT … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fromage frais — fro|mage frais sb., en (en friskost) … Dansk ordbog
fromage frais — [ freɪ] noun a type of smooth soft fresh cheese. Origin Fr., lit. fresh cheese … English new terms dictionary