James H. R. Cromwell

James H. R. Cromwell

James H. R. Cromwell (1896–1990) was an American diplomat, candidate for the United States Senate, and one-time husband of Doris Duke, "the richest girl in the world". [cite news | url = http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F3061FFF3F550C708EDDAA0894D8494D81&n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fPeople%2fD%2fDuke%2c%20Doris | title = James H. R. Cromwell Dies at 93; Married 'Richest Girl in World' | work = The New York Times | first = Glenn | last = Fowler | accessdate = 2007-07-03 | date = 1990-03-23 | format = fee ] Cromwell married Doris Duke in 1935 and was divorced from her in 1943.

Cromwell's first wife was Automotive heiress Delphine Dodge, the only daughter of Horace Dodge of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, one of the two co-founders of the Dodge Motor Company, predecessor of the Chrysler Company. Cromwell and Delphine were the parents of one daughter, Christine, born in 1923. They were divorced in 1928.

In 1940, for 142 days [cite web | url = http://ottawa.usembassy.gov/content/textonly.asp?section=embconsul&document=uschiefs | title = U.S. Chiefs of Mission to Canada | publisher = Embassy of the United States of America, Ottawa | date = 2005-06-29 | accessdate = 2007-07-03 ] , he was the United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Canada. He resigned to run for Senator of New Jersey in the 1940 elections, where he was defeated. [cite news | url = http://jcgi.pathfinder.com/time/magazine/printout/0,8816,763990,00.html | title = Moffat to Ottawa | date = 1940-06-10 | accessdate = 2007-07-03 | work = Time ]

Cromwell’s sister Louise Cromwell Brooks (c. 1890 - May 30, 1965) was the first wife of Douglas MacArthur and the third wife of Lionel Atwill.


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