Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig

Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig

The Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig ("German Library of Leipzig") was founded in 1913 to collect all German and foreign language titles published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is now part of the German National Library (Die Deutsche Bibliothek).


Already in 1848, there had been plans for a German National library. After the restauration, they were not pursued any longer, the stock of books already in existence was stored at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg. In 1912, the town of Leipzig, seat of the annual Leipzig Book Fair, the kingdom of Saxony and the "Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhändler" (society of German book-dealers) agreed to found a German National Library located in Leipzig. Starting January 1 1913, all publications in the German language were systematically collected (including books from Austria and Switzerland). In the same year, Dr. Gustav Wahl was elected as the first director.


The "main building" of the German Library in Leipzig was built 1914-1916 after plans of the architect Oskar Pusch. The impressive facade is 160 m long and faces the "Deutscher Platz". The building was opened on October 19 1916, one day after the monument for the Battle of the Nations. Emperor Wilhelm II had already left in a huff, as the Leipzig citizens did not conform to Prussian Imperial ideology. The building lot of the library had been donated by the city of Leipzig, while Friedrich August III, king of Saxony provided the funds for the building.

On the facade, the portraits of Otto von Bismarck, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johannes Gutenberg are displayed. Statues represent Technology, Justice, Philosophy, Medicine etc. The central reading room contains a picture by Ludwig von Hofmann, depicting Arcadia in Art Nouveau-style. The staircase contains a mural showing the founders of the German library. The Library contains a museum for books and letters as well.

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* [ Die Deutsche Bibliothek] de icon en

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