- Stuart Cameron
Stuart Cameron is "Senior Lecturer" at [http://www.apl.ncl.ac.uk School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape] ,
Newcastle University . He has been the first Director ofGlobal Urban Research Unit .Sociologist and town planner by background, his current research and publications are on area-based regeneration,urban regeneration ,social exclusion andhousing and the linkages between them. His current works focus on the housing systems, social inclusion, and implications of policies involving the physical restructuring of unpopular neighbourhoods with aEurope an comparative element.Research projects
* Studies of minority ethnic housing, housing association development in rural areas.
* Scoping report onsocial inclusion in theNorth East England .
* Regeneration research for the DETR and ODPM (nowDepartment for Communities and Local Government ) on Co-ordination of Area based Initiatives.
*DEMOLOGOS Project on Development Models and Logics of SocioeconomicOrganization
*KATARSIS Project on Growing Inequality andSocial Innovation : AlternativeKnowledge and Practice in OvercomingSocial Exclusion inEurope .Prominent publications
* From Low Demand to Rising Aspirations: Housing Market Renewal within Regional and Neighbourhood Regeneration Policy, Housing Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1, 3–16, January 2006.
* Strategic partnerships and area-based initiatives; West Cumbria in comparative context in R Wylie(ed): Governance in a Stakeholder Society Whitehaven: Westlakes Research Institute. 2004.
Joint publications
* with Jon Coaffee. Art, Regeneration and Gentrification: From artist as pioneer to public arts International Journal of Housing Policy 5(1) 41–60. 2005
ee also
Global Urban Research Unit
*Social innovation
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.