Paul Rebhan

Paul Rebhan

Paul Rebhan is an author, musician, and artist living in New York City. He is known for hanging one of his own paintings in the Museum of Modern Art, and as the inventor of Quiet Parties, also called "Silent Dating", where people communicate by writing notes instead of speaking . He also rents himself out as a "friend", and wrote a philosophy book that seems to share a similar skeptical viewpoint of epistemology as Michel Foucault, the French postmodernist philosopher.

Rebhan was one of the initial artists to use the term Perceptual Art in describing his work. This is a highly interactive form of art, often reliant on new technologies such as the Internet, that were not available to artists of previous generations. In the words of Rebhan, Perceptual Art has the intent of "altering individual and collective perception [] ."

TV Appearances

Matt Lauer

Radio Appearances

[ The Asylum]

External links

* [] Paul Rebhan's website.
* [ So... what's the deal with these quiet parties anyway?] San Francisco Chronicle
* [] Article
* [ Go bar hopping...quietly] Boston Herald
* [ Quiet, please! This is a bar] USA Today
* [ Quiet Party] New York Post Archive

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