- Paul Rebhan
Paul Rebhan is an author, musician, and artist living in
New York City . He is known for hanging one of his own paintings in theMuseum of Modern Art , and as the inventor ofQuiet Parties , also called "Silent Dating", where people communicate by writing notes instead of speaking . He also rents himself out as a "friend", and wrote a philosophy book that seems to share a similar skeptical viewpoint of epistemology asMichel Foucault , the French postmodernist philosopher.Rebhan was one of the initial artists to use the term
Perceptual Art in describing his work. This is a highly interactive form of art, often reliant on new technologies such as theInternet , that were not available to artists of previous generations. In the words of Rebhan, Perceptual Art has the intent of "altering individual and collective perception [http://rebfile.com/rebfile-about.htm] ."TV Appearances
Matt Lauer Radio Appearances
[http://www.theasylumshow.com The Asylum]
External links
* [http://www.rebfile.com RebFile.com] Paul Rebhan's website.
* [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/11/21/DDG96FQOH11.DTL So... what's the deal with these quiet parties anyway?] San Francisco Chronicle
* [http://www.match.com/magazine/article0.aspx%3Farticleid%3D3545&e=9797] Match.com Article
* [http://theedge.bostonherald.com/lifeNews/view.bg?articleid=24222&format= Go bar hopping...quietly] Boston Herald
* [http://www.usatoday.com/life/2003-03-12-quiet_x.htm Quiet, please! This is a bar] USA Today
* [http://pqarchiver.nypost.com/nypost/access/326478341.html?dids=326478341:326478341&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Apr+19%2C+2003&author=&pub=New+York+Post&edition=&startpage=010&desc=WE+HEAR+.+.+. Quiet Party] New York Post Archive
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