- Stemodene
Stemodene is a labdane-related diterpene whose corresponding
terpene synthase has been discovered inrice and subsequently cloned and functionally characterized. The gene responsible for stemodene production has not been found in the completed ricegenome , thus suggesting that perhaps other genes are as yet undiscovered in the "completed" genome.Stemarene synthase demonstrates high sequence homology with stemodene synthase, thus accounting for the latter's discovery byDana Morrone in 2005.cite journal | last = Morrone | first = Dana | coauthors = Yinghua Jin, Meimei Xu, Suh-Yeon Choi, Robert M. Coates, and Reuben J. Peters | date =April 15 ,2006 | title = An unexpected diterpene cyclase from rice: functional identification of a stemodene synthase | journal = Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | volume = 448 | issue = 1-2 | pages = 133–140 | doi = 10.1016/j.abb.2005.09.001 | pmid = 16256063 | url = http://www.aseanbiotechnology.info/Abstract/21019013.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate = 2006-11-07] Additionally, the correspondingolefin produced by eachcyclase shows structural similarities and is derived from the common precursor of "syn"-copalyldiphosphate .References
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