

Roz, short for Rosalyn, Rosa, Rosalind and many other forms, is a name which can refer to several women.

*Roz Abrams, an award winning news anchor
*Roz Kaveney, a British writer and editor
*Roz Weston, a Canadian entertainment reporter
*Roz Doyle, a "Frasier" character
*Roz Chast, an American cartoonist
*Roz Forrester, a fictional character from the Virgin New Adventures
*Roz Hammond, an Australian comic actress and writer
*Roz Kelly, an actress
*Roz Savage, a British amateur rower and runner
*Roz (Monsters Inc), fictional character from the Pixar film "Monsters, Inc."
*Rosalind "Roz" Keith, a fictional character in the movie "Nine to Five"
*"Roz in the Doghouse", a "Frasier" episode

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  • roz — adj. invar. Roşu foarte deschis; trandafiriu. ♦ (Substantivat, n.) Culoare roz. ♢ expr. A vedea (sau a privi ceva) în roz = a fi optimist. – Din fr. rose. Trimis de romac, 16.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  ROZ adj. 1. trandafiriu, (rar) rozatic, roziu …   Dicționar Român

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  • roz- — 1. {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}} przedrostek tworzący czasowniki pochodne od innych czasowników albo innych części mowy, oznaczający: {{/stl 7}}a) {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}rozprzestrzenianie się ruchu z jednego miejsca w wielu kierunkach, np. {{/stl 7}}{{stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Roz|wi — «ROHZ wee», noun, plural wi or wis. 1. a member of a subgroup of the Mashona living in Rhodesia and western Mozambique. 2. the Bantu language of this group …   Useful english dictionary

  • ROZ — Die Oktanzahl definiert ein Maß für die Klopffestigkeit eines Ottokraftstoffes. Der Zahlenwert der Oktanzahl bis 100 gibt an, wie viel % Volumenanteil Isooktan C8H18 (ROZ = 100) sich in einer Mischung mit n Heptan C7H16 (ROZ = 0) befinden muss,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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