Point of difference

Point of difference

Point of difference is a term used for an outcome of product differentiation. In business economics, differentiation is seen as an important strategic move for companies to make. Because of an overwhelming variety of products and services on the market, those that stand out in some manner are better noticed by consumers. There are various (positive and negative) ways of being different compared to competitors in the same market. "Differentiation" is the term given to the positive way in which a company's product differs from its competitors. "Points of difference" (PODs) describe the individual factors of differentiation.

The key points of difference of a company are synonymous with its unique selling proposition (USP) although not interchangable, and are critical in defining its competitive advantage and branding strategy. They must be attributes or benefits that consumers strongly, uniquely, and positively associate with the company's brand; and not with any competing brand. Once points of difference have been clearly communicated to consumers, the company and its brand are set apart from its competitors. Brand loyalty depends upon the ability of the company to establish and maintain clarity of communication with the consumer regarding their brand; and to maintain and expand the points of difference that defines the brand.

ee also



cite book
last = Krotz
first = Joanna L.
coauthors = John Pierce, Ben Ryan
chapter = Focusing on Your Point of Difference (POD)
title = Microsoft Small Business Kit
publisher = Microsoft Press
date = September 22, 2004
location = Redmond, Washington
url = http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/7123.aspx
isbn = 0-7356-2054-7

cite web
last = D'Souza
first = Sean
title = The Fundamental Flaw in Creating Your Uniqueness (USP)
accessdate = 2007-01-30

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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