Rome Legions

Rome Legions

ABA team
color1 = #CD9B1D
color2 = #D43D1A

pixels = 150px
founded = 2006
league = ABA 2006-present
history = Rome Legions
arena = Forum Civic Center
city = Rome, Georgia
colors = TBD
owner = JAM Entertainment
coach = TBA
championships = 0
titles = 0
cheerleaders =
dancers =
mascot =

The Rome Legions are a team of the American Basketball Association scheduled to begin play in 2008.

The team was initially named the Rome Knights in honor of Medieval Times, which is very popular in Rome, and is also one of their sponsors. In early 2007, the team's owners purchased the World Basketball Association's Rome Gladiators. The franchise was intended to provide year-round professional basketball to the Rome area. However, after several ownership problems (culminating in the owners' imprisonment), the team was transferred to JAM Entertainment (also owners of the Rochester Fire), changing their name to the Rome Legions

In September 2007, the club announced that it would not participate in the 2007-08 ABA season. []

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ News release announcing new ownership]

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