Jon Fosse

Jon Fosse

Jon Fosse (born September 29, 1959 in Haugesund) is a Norwegian author and dramatist. He currently lives in Bergen, Norway.

He debuted in 1983 with the novel "Raudt, svart". His first play, "Og aldri skal vi skiljast", was performed and published in 1994. Jon Fosse has written novels, short stories, poetry, children's books, essays and plays. His works have been translated into more than forty languages. He is widely considered as one of the world's greatest contemporary playwrights. He has been awarded the French Ordre national du Mérite. [ [ Article in Klassekampen] ]


*Raudt, svart. ("Red, black") Novel 1983
*Stengd gitar. ("Closed guitar") Novel 1985, 1992, 1997
*Blod. Steinen er. ("Blood. The stone is") Novella 1987
*Naustet. ("The boat-house") Novel 1989, 1991, 1997, 1998, 2001
*Flaskesamlaren. ("The bottle-collector") Novel 1991
*Bly og vatn. ("Lead and water") Novel 1992
*To forteljingar. ("Two tales") Novellas 1993
*Prosa frå ein oppvekst ("Prose from a childhood"). Short prose 1994
*Melancholia I. Novel 1995, 1997, 1999
*Melancholia II. Novel 1996, 1997, 1999
*Eldre kortare prosa med 7 bilete av Camilla Wærenskjold. ("Older shorter prose with 7 pictures of Camilla Wærenskjold") Short prose 1998
*Morgon og kveld. ("Morning and evening") Novel 2000, 2001
*Det er Ales. ("This is Ales") Novel 2004, 2005
*Andvake. (Sleepless) Novella. 2007


*Og aldri skal vi skiljast. ("And never shall we separate") 1994
*Namnet. ("The name") 1995
*Nokon kjem til å komme. ("Someone Is Going To Come") 1996
*Barnet. ("The child") 1996
*Mor og barn. ("Mother and child") 1997
*Sonen. ("The son") 1997
*Natta syng sine songar. ("The night is singing it's songs") 1997
*Gitarmannen. ("The guitar man") Monolog 1998
*Ein sommars dag. ("A summer day") 1999
*Draum om hausten. ("Dream of autumn") 1999
*Medan lyset går ned og alt blir svart. ("While the light goes down and everything turns black") 1999
*Sov du vesle barnet mitt. ("Sleep you, my little child") 2000
*Besøk. ("Visit") 2000
*Vinter. ("Winter") 2000
*Ettermiddag. ("Afternoon") 2000
*Vakkert. ("Beauftiful") 2001
*Dødsvariasjonar. ("Variations of dead") 2001
*Jenta i sofaen. ("The girl in the sofa") 2002
*Lilla. ("Lilac") 2003
*Suzannah. 2004
*Dei døde hundane. ("The dead dogs") 2004
*Sa ka la. 2004
*Varmt. ("Warm") 2005
*Svevn. ("sleep") 2005
*Rambuku. 2006
*Skuggar. ("Shadows") 2006
*Eg er vinden ("I am the wind") 2007Hav (Ocean) written 2007 (to be produced 2009)


*Engel med vatn i augene. 1986
*Hundens bevegelsar. 1990
*Hund og engel. 1992
*Dikt 1986-1992. Revidert samleutgåve 1995
*Nye dikt 1991-1994. 1997
*Dikt 1986-2001. Samla dikt. Lyrikklubben 2001
*Auge i vind. 2003


*Frå telling via showing til writing. 1989
*Gnostiske essay. 1999


* [ Leif Zern: An alien in the world of the theatre]


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